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第二章 海上保险遵循的原则,学习目标 通过对本章的学习,应达到以下目标: 掌握可保利益的定义与作用 熟悉最大诚信的内容及应用 了解近因的内涵及意义 掌握补偿与代位追偿的内容及应用,第一节 可保利益原则,一、海上保险可保利益定义(Definition of Insurable Interest) 1746年之前,英国保险人不要求被保险人证明他们对投保的船舶或货物拥有所有权,也不要求被保险人出示他们对保险标的物具有某种利益。 英国1746年颁布海上保险法(Marine Insurance Act 1746) ,首次以法律的形式要求被保险人对承保财产具有利益。,英国政府进一步完善了海上保险的相关法律。1906年颁布更为完善的“Marine Insurance Act”: Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person must have an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure. In particular, a person is interested in a marine adventure where he stands in any legal or equitable relation to the adventure or to any insurable property at risk therein, in consequence of which he may benefit by the safety or due arrival of insurable property, or may be prejudiced by its loss, or by damage thereto, or by the detention thereof, or may incur liability in respect thereof.,同时,也规定了何时应具有利益:(1)The assured must be interested in the subject-matter insured at the time of loss though he need not be interested when the insurance is effected.,(2)Where the assured has no interest at the time of the loss, he cannot acquire interest by any act or election after he is aware of the loss.,英国特许保险学会(CII)1991年编写的“Contract Law and Insurance”,对保利益的定义: Insurable interest is “the legal right to insure arising out of a financial relationship, recognized at law, between the insured and the subject matter of insurance.” 2009年中华人民共和国保险法第12条规定:保险利益是指投保人或者被保险人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。 人身保险的投保人在保险合同订立时,对被保险人应当具有保险利益。 财产保险的被保险人在保险事故发生时,对保险标的应当具有保险利益。 被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人。投保人可以为被保险人。,二、海上保险可保利益的特点和作用(Feature and (2)Every material circumstance which the assured is bound to disclose, unless it came to his knowledge too late to communicate it to the agent.,(二)陈述(Representation),在洽谈签约过程中,被保险人对于保险人提出的问题进行如实答复。由于陈述的内容也关系到保险人承保与否,涉及海上保险合同的真实有效,也成为最大诚信原则的另一基本内容。一些国家的法律将其规定为一项独立内容,如英国1906年海上保险法第20条把陈述单独列入。,1Every material representation made by the assured or his agent to the insurer during the negotiations for the contract and before the contract is concluded, must be true. If it is untrue the insurer may avoid the contract. 2A representation is material which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium, or determining whether he will take the risk. 3.A representation may be either a representation as to a matter of fact or as to a matter of expectation or belief.,4A representation as to a matter of fact is true, if it is substantially correct, that is to say, if the difference between what is represented and what is actually correct would not be considered material by a prudent insurer. 5A representation as to a matter of expectation or belief is true if it is made in good faith. 6A representation may be withdrawn or corrected before the contract is concluded. 然而,我国海商法和保险法没有把陈述单独列出,而是把它列为告知的一部分。,(三)保证(Warranty),英国1906年海上保险法对保证的解释: A warranty means a promissory warranty, that is to say, a warranty by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing shall or shall not be done, or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or negatives the existence of a particular state of facts. 保证可分为明示保证和默示保证。,1明示保证(Express warranty) 明示保证通常用文字表示。英国1906年海上保险法的解释: An express warranty may be in any form of words from which the intention to warrant is to be inferred. An express warranty must be included in, or written in the policy, or must be contained in some document incorporated by reference into the policy. An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, unless it is inconsistent therewith.,2默示保证(Implied Warranty)。 默示保证不通过文字说明,而是根据有关法律、惯例及行业习惯来决定。虽然没有文字规定,但被保险人应按照默示保证作为或不作为。默示保证与明示保证具有同等的法律效力,对被保险人具有同等的约束力。 海上保险的默示保证: Warranty of seaworthiness of ship Warranty of seaworthiness of goods Warranty of legality 3. 弃权与禁止反言 即放弃自己的权利,以后不能反悔。,三、最大诚信原则的适用(Application of Utmost Good Faith),(一)告知与没有告知 (Disclosure & Non-disclosure) (二)正确陈述与错误陈述 (Presentation & Misrepresentation),把错误陈述分为三种: Innocent Misrepresentation Negligent Misrepresentation Fraudulent Misrepresentation 在英国,如果一个人欺骗性地诱导某人签订一个长期保险合同,按照英国Misrepresentation and Financial Services Act 1986的规定,将处以7年的监禁。,三、违反最大诚信原则的法律责任(Legal liability),(一)违反告知义务的法律责任 1投保方。 投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的法律责任。,保险法第十六条第三款:“投保人故意 不履行如实告知义务的,保险人对于保险 合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿 或者给付保险金的责任,并不退还保险费。, 投保人过失不履行如实告知义务的法律责任。保险法第16条:投保人因过失未履行如实告和义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,保险人对于保险合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,但可以退还保险费。 投保方未就保险标的物危险程度增加的情况通知保险人的法律责任。保险法第36条:在合同有效期内,保险标的物危险程度增加的,被保险人按照合同约定应当及时通知保险人,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除合同。被保险人未履行前款规定的通知义务的,因保险标的物危险程度增加而发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿责任。, 投保方谎称发生了保险事故的法律责任。 1992年保险险法第二十七条第一款:,被保险人或者受益人在未发生保险事故的 情况下,谎称发生了保险事故,向保险人 提出赔偿或者给付保险金请求的,保险人 有权解除保险合同,并不退还保险费。,2保险人未尽告知义务的法律责任,保险法第17条规定:保险合同中规定有关于保险人责任免除条款的,保险人在订立保险合同时应当向投保人明确说明,未明确说明的,该条款不产生效力。 保险人在保险业务活动中隐瞒与保险合同有关的重要情况,欺骗投保方,或阻碍投保方履行如实告知义务,或诱导投保方不履行如实告知义务等,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。不构成犯罪的,由金融监管部门对保险公司处以1万元以上5万元以下的罚款,对有关工作人员给予处分,并处以1万元以下的罚款。,(二)违反保证的法律责任,保险合同涉及的所有保证内容都是重要的内容,投保人与被保险人都必须严格遵守,如果有违背与破坏,其后果一般有两种情况: 保险人不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任, 保险人解除保险合同。,违反保证部分地损害了保险人的利益,保险人只应就违反保证部分拒绝承
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