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2003年阅读理解,-核心词汇及其它,Text A,法国驱逐首批60名吉普赛人 将遣送回罗马尼亚,据法新社消息,遭到法国驱逐的首批约60名吉普赛人19日搭乘飞机离开里昂机场,他们将被遣送回罗马尼亚。 据报道,这些吉普赛人已经同意“自愿离境协议”,根据协议,每位成年人将获得300欧元、每位未成年人将获得100欧元的“补助金”。 法国总统萨科齐上个月宣布要驱赶这些吉普赛人(或称罗姆人),拆除他们居住的非法营地。法国政府表示,这些非法营地是“人口贩卖、低居住标准、剥削儿童、乞讨、卖淫地的罪恶温床”。但是该做法受到人权组织的谴责,称是在故意污蔑社会中守法的部分人群,以拉拢右翼选民的支持。 在接下来几周,法国将遣送约700名吉普赛人回到原籍国家,主要为罗马尼亚和保加利亚。 2010年8月20日,hostility n.敌意;敌对状态;(对思想、计划或情形的)愤怒反对,愤怒反抗。 syn.enmity n.敌意;憎恨。 I feel no hospitality towards anyone. 我对任何人均我敌意。 We should turn hostility into friendship.我们应该化干戈为玉帛。 Gay men and lesbians say there is less overt hostility than in the west and certainly less physical harassment. 男女同性恋者表示,在中国绝少存在西方那种绝少的敌意,也的确少有肉体上的骚扰。 adj. hostile be + hostile +to sb./sth 对某人或者某物怀有敌意 I dont know why she is hostile to me. Gypsy n. 吉普赛人 复数形式为gypsies Rommany/romany 吉普赛人的;吉普赛语的 Bargain like a gypsy, but pay like a gentleman.议价时斤斤计较,付账时爽快利落。,Shroud n.寿衣,裹尸布,覆盖物; 保护 There are no pockets in a shroud. 寿衣没有口袋。 The doctor wanted us to use the sheet for a shroud. 医生想让我们用床单当裹尸布。 His past is enveloped in a shroud of mistery.他过去的经历笼罩着神秘气氛。 V.用某物覆盖或遮蔽某物;掩盖,保护 The origins of the Gypsies, with little written history, were shrouded in mystery.吉普赛人几乎没有文字历史,他们的起源神秘莫测。 Minstrel n. (中世纪)游吟诗人或歌手,音乐家;(由白人扮演黑人的)滑稽表演团。 min(最小值,最小) strel-联想到 stroll(漫步) 小步地漫步 mercenary adj. 唯利是图的,雇佣的; N. 唯利是图的人,雇佣兵 mer abbr. (minimum energy requirements)最低能量要求,最大有效生产率(maximum efficient rate of production) Cen-中心(=center),Mercenary men lust for wealth. 唯利是图的人贪求财富。 A mercenary gets involved in a mission that threatens the lives of his skin. 一个雇佣兵卷入了一个任务,完成与否关系到他的亲人的安危。 Metalsmith n. 金工技工;金属加工技工 metal(金属、合金、玻璃液)+ smith (锻工、铁匠)=metalsmith (金工技工,金属加工技工) Goldsmith n. 金匠 coppersmith 铜匠,铜器制造人 ironsmith 铁工 Clan n. 氏族;宗族;党派 The hunter killed for the clan, not for himself. 猎手是为氏族,而不是为自己打猎。 Now some believe that the clans preeminence is already being challenged. 现在,一些人相信党派的卓越性正受到挑战。,Fragmented adj.成碎片的,片段的 Frag n. 碎片弹 N. fragment She dropped the vase on the floor and it broke into fragments. 她把花瓶掉在地上,摔成了碎片。 V 使破碎;分裂 The vase was fragmented in shipment. 花瓶在运送中被打碎了。 The chair fragmented under his weight. 在他重压下,椅子断了。 Fractious adj. 易怒的,脾气不好的,难以对待的 Fract- vt 打破 He is fractious as a donkey. 他像驴子一样倔强。 A clan system, based mostly on their traditional crafts and geography, has made them a deeply fragmented and fractious people. 吉普赛人的氏族体系多数建立在传统工艺和地理位置的基础上,这让他们成为个极为分散且难以驾驭的民族。,Activist n. 活动分子,活动家,积极分子 They also assaulted a British activist. 他们还袭击了一名英国活动分子。 He has been a trade union activist for many years. 他多年来一直是工会的积极分子。 Persecute perse(adj 紫灰色的;深灰色的;深蓝色的) +cut(切割,刺痛) Vt. 迫害,烦扰,为难 They persecute those who do not conform to their idea. 他们迫害那些不信奉他们思想的人。(迫害) Once the affair become public, he was persecuted by the press.事情公开后,他便受到新闻界的纠缠。 He persecuted me with various delicate questions. 他用种种微妙的问题把我难道了。,Persecution n.迫害 The heretic (n. 异教徒,异教者)met with severe persecution. 那个异教徒遭到残酷迫害。 The dissidents(持不同政见者) went abroad to escape political persecution. 持异议着去了海外以逃避政治迫害。 Nomadism n. 游牧,流浪 Nomad n. 游牧部落一员,流浪者(no+mad 没有疯) Ply v.定期往返,不断做,不断供应 Buses ply between the two cities. 公车定期往返于那两个程式之间。 And dont ply foreigners with lots and lots of disparate questions. 不要没完没了地向老外提出大量的互不相关的问题。,文 从事,经营 At various times they have been forbidden to wear their distinctive bright clothes, to speak their own language, to travel, to marry one another, or to ply their traditional crafts.在不同历史时期,他们被禁止穿独特的颜色艳丽的衣服, 被禁止说自己的民族语言,被禁止四处流浪,与其他民族通婚或者从事传统手工艺。 heresy n.异端,异教 He was sentenced to be guilty of heresy. 他被判有异端罪。 He was burned at the stake for heresy in the 14th century. 他在十四世纪因信仰异教而被处火刑。 Adj heretic N. 异教徒 If the believer rejects it, he becomes to that extent a heretic. 如果信徒抛弃它,在某种程度上就变成了异教徒。 adj. 异端的,异教的,Ethnic adj. 种族的,民族的,有民族特色的; N 少数民族中的一员。 Canada is a multicultural country. Regardless of your ethnic origin, you will feel at home in Canada. 加拿大是一个多元国家,无论你为何种族,在加拿大你都会感到安适。 Now all the 55 ethnic minorities have their own college students, and some even are masters and doctors degree holders. 目前,55个民族都有了本民族的大学生,有的还有了硕士生和博士生。 The music would sound more ethnic if you played it in steel drums. 如果你用钢鼓演奏,这首乐曲将更具有民族特色。 Sterilize vt. 使不育,杀菌,使贫瘠 The drug is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection. 这种药被用于在注射前给皮肤消毒。 Sterile adj. 贫瘠的,无生气的,无生育能力的,无结果的,无菌的。,Most of the mountains were still sterile. 大多数山仍然光秃秃的。 Their relationship had grown sterile over the years. 随着岁月的流逝,他们的关系变得了无生气。 无生育能力的 Medical tests showed that he was sterile.医学检查他没有生育能力。 无结果的 The negotiations proved to be sterile. 谈判没有取得结果。 无菌的 An operation theater should be completely sterile. 手术室应该完全无菌。 Sterilized adj. 无菌的,消毒的,绝育的 Fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的,多产的,(创造力)丰富的,Wagon n.四轮马车,货车 Adoption n. 采纳,采用,收养 vt adopt The adoption of the new technology improved the production. 新技术的采用增加了产量。 The word is now English by adoption. 这个词现在已被采纳为英语。 He was pleased by the adoption of a little girl. 他对收养了一个女孩而感到高兴。 burgeon vt. 发芽,萌芽,迅速发展;n. 芽,嫩枝 Seeds begin to burgeon at the commencement(n. 开始,发端;毕业典礼) of spring
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