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学 海 无 涯 1 课题课题 Module3 Unit2 Sam ate four hamburgers. 教材教材 版本版本 外研版 年年 级级 五五 册数册数 下下 页码页码 17-19 撰写人撰写人 教学目标教学目标: : 1、 认知目标: Words:ate hamburger gave tonight Sentence:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank What are you going to eat/drink tonight? I am going to eat/drink 2、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词(last night, tonight)的比较,使学生根据不同时间 选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。 3、情感目标 : 让学生了解中西方饮食的差异,并表达好自己的喜好,提高与其他同学 的交流。 教学重点难点教学重点难点: : 掌握单词:ate hamburger gave tonight 掌握句型:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank What are you going to eat/drink tonight? I am going to eat/drink. 课前准备:课前准备:多媒体、多媒体、PPTPPT 课时安排:课时安排:2 2 课时课时 教学过程:教学过程: 教学随记教学随记 第 1 课时 Step 1. Warmer 1)、Greet: 学 海 无 涯 2 T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you! Ss: I am fine, thank you, And you ? T: I am fine ,too 2) Say a chant: I like coffee,I like tea. I like sandwiches, and they like me. I like coffee, I like tea. I dont like hamburgers ,and they dont like me. 3) Revise: T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Ss: I had T: What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? Ss: She/He had . Step 2、 Presentation: 1)lead in Take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Whats this?”“ What are they?” Ss: fish sandwich, noodles , cakes , rice, milk 2)learn words and sentences Look at pictures and say hamburger - eat hamburger milk - drink milk apple - give me an apple 3) T: I am full now, because I had so much food last night What did you eat/drink last night? 4) Learn words ( eat-ate : drink drank ) eat ate late drink drankthank-bank 5) Activity and practice What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank What did she/he eat/drink last night? I ate/drank 让学生分组训练本课的重点句式, 6) Make a dialogue Do you like Chinese food. 学 海 无 涯 3 Yes, I like Chinese food, too. Mum is going to cook Chinese food tonight. Teach words: tonight , last night, today , tonight T: Are you hungry ? What are you going to eat/drink tonight. Ss: I am going to eat/drink. 7) Student work in pair 8) Chant I like rice and I like milk, last night, last night. I eat fish and I drank milk, I like chip and I like juice. Tonight ,tonight. I am going to eat chips I am going to drink juice. Mmm,Mmm,Mmm. They are all very nice. Step 3 Text 1. Listen and say: A. Tell the Ss that you are going to read out the letter B. The Ss have to follow the text in their books and call out the word that you said incorrectly. C. Listen to the letter and answer the questions: 1) Who ate six hamburgers? 2)Does Sam like hamburger very much? 3) What did Lingling have? 4) Does Lingling like hamburgers very much? 5) What is Mum going to cook tonight? 6) Who wrote this letter to Daming? 2.Listen and repeat: Step 4 Do some exercises. 1、Sam 吃了六个汉堡。 Sam _ six _. 2、他非常喜欢三明治。 He likes _very much. 学 海 无 涯 4 3、我们把我们的鸡蛋给了 Sam。We_our eggs to Sam. 4、今晚我将喝牛奶。 _Im going to _milk. 5、昨晚我喝了果汁。 I _juice last night. 2、Make a survey Homework 1. Introduce English food to your parents 2. Write to your friends or parents letter 板书设计: Moudle 3 Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers Words hamburger eat gave drank tonight What did you eat/drind last night I ate/drank. What are you going to eat/drind tonight? I am going to eat/drink. Questions Sam Lily Amy What do you like to eat/drink? What did you eat/drink last night? What are you going to eat/drink tonight? 教学反思:教学反思:
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