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学 海 无 涯 1 Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A 1、 预习单词预习单词 A 朗读并默写下列单词(包括词性) 。 吸引_ (去)取(物)来、(去)带(人)来_ 介绍、引见_ 省、省份_ B 选用以上单词完成句子。 I live in Hebei _. Let me _ myself : my name is Susanna. Please _ me a book from my office. He was _ by her beauty. C 词组翻译并大声朗读。 许多、一些_ 位于 _ know about _ D 选用以上的词组完成句子。 Mount Tai _ Shandong Province. How much do you _ America. There are _ mountains in China. 2、 归纳知识点归纳知识点 A 请找出 1a 中的定语从句。 _. _. _. B 比较 among 和 between 的不同用法。 Miss Feng stands _ the students in the classroom. Miss Feng stands _ Susanna and Maria in the picture. 句 1 中学生超过 3 人用_。 句 2 中 Miss Feng 站在两者之间用_。 学 海 无 涯 2 3、 阅读技能阅读技能 快速阅读,了解课文 A. What are they talking about ? _. 认真细读,理解课文 B. 完成 1b。 发散思维,拓展课文 C. What else do you know about China? 整体感知,复述课文 Susanna, Mr. and Mrs. Greens daughter has just _ to China. She knows very little about the courntry _ has about _ years of history . There are many _ which _millions of tourists from _ every year . There are many beautiful and famous_ such as Mount Tai , _. There are _ rivers in China ._them ,the Yangtze River is _ and _ is the Yellow River.They are the _ of Chinese culture . Mrs. Green _ her Guide to China. Its a book _. 4、 收集相关信息及背景资料收集相关信息及背景资料 通过预习 2 和 3 以及合理利用网络收集中国名山大川以及大江大湖的相关信息。 中国的名山大川和大江大湖并不是每个学生都非常熟悉的话题, 笔者设计导学案时, 围绕本 话题展开, 让学生课前有所准备, 为学生扫清文化障碍, 让学生在课堂上顺利完成相关任务。 Section B 1、 预习单词预习单词 A.朗读并默写下列单词(包括词性) 。 围绕,包围_ 在的上方_ 吸引人的_ B选用以上单词完成句子。 _ the table,there is a photo of the family. The lake is _ with/by trees. the movie is so _. 学 海 无 涯 3 C.词组翻译并大声朗读。 值得做某事_ 沉浸于 _ 如此以至于 _ 不但而且 D选用以上的词组完成句子。 I was _ tired _ I went to bed as soon as I ate the supper. They speak English _ in class _ in the dormitory. Playing computer games is so exciting that children often_ it. The book _ reading. 2、 归纳知识点归纳知识点 A.请找出 1a 中的定语从句。 _. _. _. B.比较 besides 和 except 的不同用法。 There are three students in the class _ me Everyone is there _ me. 除了我以外还有用_。 我被排除掉了,不包括在内用_。 3 3、 阅读技能阅读技能 快速阅读 2a,了解课文 A.Where is West Lake ? _. 认真细读,理解课文 B.完成 2b。 发散思维,拓展课文 C. What do you know about West Lake? 整体感知,复述课文 综合短文填空,用方框内词的适当形式天空。 Tibet keeps its own strong culture which_ from other parts of China. Here are some advice for travelling in Tibet. There are many old _ with low roofs and doors.So be _ not to hit your head when tour, cool, which, kill, care, but, difference,bring, house 学 海 无 涯 4 you enter such buildings. It is warm when walking on the street, but is will be _ when staying under a tree or in a house. Please _ a coat with you wherever you go. Walk clockwise(顺时针方向) on the Barkhor street(八廓街) especially during the rush hour _ is from 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. _ is impolite to enter some places near Jokhang Temple. Please ask the Tibetans first before taking pictures of them in the Barkhor areas. Sometimes they will ask you for money. 4、 收集相关信息及背景资料收集相关信息及背景资料 通过预习 1a 和 2a 以及合理利用网络收集西藏以及西湖的相关信息。 中国的名山大川和大江大湖是中华民族的骄傲,笔者设计导学案时,围绕本话题展开, 让学生课前有所准备,培养学生们的民族自豪感,了解祖国的大好河山,完成教学任务。 Section C 1.预习单词预习单词 A.朗读并默写下列单词(包括词性) 。 执照,许可证_ 岛屿_ 各种各样的,不同的_ B.选用以上单词完成句子。 Wheat is grown in _ parts of the country We are applying for a _ to sell wine. He lived on a small _ off the sea. C.词组翻译并大声朗读。 作为而著名_ 损坏 _ 拿走 _ think of _ D.选用以上的词组完成句子。 Dont always _ yourself. Yao Ming _ a basketball player. Please _ the plates. Our car _ on the motorway. 2.归纳知识点归纳知识点 A. 总结文中出现的由 as 构成的三个短语。 学 海 无 涯 5 _. _. _. B.比较 be known as 和 be known for 的不同用法。 He is known _a write
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