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Unit 3 The world of colours and light,【诵读积累】 (2012上海高考)上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括:对两堂绘画课的具体描述; 你从中获得的启发。,June 8, 2012 At a primary school, I saw in one class a student dipped her feet in ink and made a painting out of footprints. By contrast, the same student used a brush to make a breath-taking landscape painting so vivid that one could almost smell the refreshing rivers and hear the singing birds. “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. ” Its this famous saying on success that lends insight into the two paintings. The first painting represents that we should remain grounded and be cautious of being carried away with temporary success.,So grand was the scenery portrayed in the second painting that it embodied the reach of our dreams. Wed be better off trusting that the gleam and the spark will one day shine as brightly as a searchlight if we have faith in ourselves. The paintings taught me a lot.,【尝试运用】 词汇翻译 将(某物)在液体中浸一下 _ 相比之下 _ 注视,关注 _ 深刻理解 _ 注意,小心 _ 拿走,带走 _ 情况较好 _ 相信,信任 _,dip. . . in,by contrast,keep ones eyes on,lend insight into,be cautious of,carry away,better off,have faith in,一句多译 他是个很好的人,以至于我们都喜欢他。 _ _ _ _,He is so nice a man that we all like him.,He is such a nice man that we all like him.,So nice a man is he that we all like him.,Such a nice man is he that we all like him.,. 单词盘点 核心速记 1. _ (adj. ) 抽象的 (n. ) 摘要,概要 2. _ (n. ) 建筑;建筑学 3. _ (adj. ) 锐角的;强烈的;(疾病)急性 的;灵敏的;敏锐的 4. _ (n. ) 共识,一致的意见,abstract,architecture,acute,consensus,5. _ (n. ) 阴影,影子;阴暗处 6. _ (vt. & vi. ) 全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺, 保证 7. _ (n. ) 回报,报酬,奖励 (vt. ) 奖励,给以报酬 8. _ (n. ) 纪念物,纪念品 9. _ (n. ) 风景,景色,风光 10. _(n. ) 奖学金 11. _ (n. ) 布料,织物;(一块)布,shadow,commit,reward,souvenir,scenery,scholarship,cloth,12. _ (vt. ) 喷,喷洒,向喷洒 (n. ) 喷剂;喷雾;浪花 13. _ (vt. &vi. ) 浸,蘸 联想串记 14. _ (vt. & vi. )计算;推测_(n. )计算,估计 15. _ (adj. )多变的,易变的_ (vt. )改变 (n. )变化,spray,dip,calculate,calculation,changeable,change,16. _ (n. )住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解_ (vt. )为(某人)提供住处 17. _ (n. )(机构、组织等的)准许加入,进入权;承认;入场费_(vt. )承认,准许进入,允许加入 18. _(adj. )令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的_ (vi. )令人厌恶,令人反感(vt. )使作呕,使厌烦(n. )厌恶,嫌恶_ (adj. )感到厌烦的,感到反感的,accommodation,accommodate,admission,admit,disgusting,disgust,disgusted,. 短语互译 1. 用方法进行实验 _ 2. 从到,在和之间 _ 3. 渴望做某事 _ 4. 在以上,大于,超过 _ 5. 动身去 _ 6. 作为的替换 _ 7. 预订,预约 _,experiment with,range from. . . to. . .,be eager to do sth.,upwards of,be off to,instead of,make a reservation,8. be made out of _ 9. cut up _ 10. lay out _ 11. cut something out(of something) _ 12. have a go(at) _ 13. try out _,由制成,用制成,切碎,布置,设计;铺开,展开,剪出,剪下,试一试,试用,试验,. 句型透视 1. be amazed to do sth. 结构 _(惊讶地得知) that Picasso had an output of more than 20, 000 pieces of art. 2. besides doing. . . 结构 _(不仅是位画家), da Vinci was also an architect, scientist and engineer. 3. hardly. . . when. . . 句型一就 _(我们一离开宿舍)the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.,I was amazed to learn,Besides being a painter,Hardly had we left the dormitory,4. 虚拟条件句的倒装省略 _(如果你和我们来的话), I guarantee you would have enjoyed Europe too. 5. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 句型 It probably smelled good, but _(花费很长时间做成). 6. why not句型表建议 There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so _(为什么不试一试)at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?,Had you come with us,it took a long time to do,why not have a go,. 语篇完形 I am in Amsterdam now. Ive just had a 1. _ trip with my aunt and grandmother who are both 2. _. First, we visited the 3. _ of Picasso and the house where he was born. He produced more than 20, 000 pieces of art. He wasnt just a painter, he was also a 4. _ and a photographer. Then we went to Paris and spent 4 days there. We visited the Louvre Museum 5. _ contained the famous painting,fantastic,artists,birthplace,sculptor,which,Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci was a painter and also an architect, 6. _ and scientist. He made a lot of scientific 7. _. In the Muse dOrsay we saw the works of Monet. He was a 8. _ painter who lived between 1840 and 1926. Yesterday we went to the Van Gogh Museum. There we know some
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