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Speech Act Theory Vera (),2 Constative vs Performative,1 General Definition,5 Development of Speech Acts,4 The theory of illocutionary acts,3 Collapse of the dichotomy,Contents,1.1 General Definition,A speech act in linguistics and the philosophy of language is an utterance that has performative function in language and communication. The contemporary use of the term goes back to J. L. Austins development of performative utterances and his theory of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts.,1.2 Speech Act Theory,Originated with the British philosopher John Austin in the late 50s of the 20th century Challenged the so-called “descriptive fallacy” Further developed by other scholars, particularly J.Searle,John Langshaw Austin (March 26, 19111 February 8, 1960) was a British philosopher of language, born in Lancaster and educated at Shrewsbury School and Balliol College,Oxford University.,1.3 Austin,1.4 Austins Work,1. Words and Deeds 言与行(1952) According to J.Austin, there seems to be no clear-cut boundary between speaking and acting. Rather, saying is sometimes acting. Alternatively, to put it in another way, words are part of deeds. 2. How to Do Things with Words 如何以言行事(1962),Austin made the primary distinction between two types of utterances: constative:表述句 performative:施为句,2.1 Constative vs. Performative,Constative utterances (表述话语) are verifiable (true or false) statements, aiming to either state or describe. I go to the park every Sunday.,Performative utterances (施事话语)are statements not verifiable (not true or false), aiming at performing a certain act. (Austin 1962),1. I do. 2. I name this ship Queen Elizabeth.,Performative verbs: name, bet, etc.,The term “speech acts” was initially invented to portray the actions accomplished via performative utterances. In its later broad sense, speech acts also cover actions performed by utterance that are not strictly performative. Now, speech acts are considered to be the basic or minimal units of linguistic communication.,2.2 Definition Expansion,Common feantures of classic examples of performantives: 1 First-person subject (第一人称主语) 2 The simple present tense(一般现在时) 3 Indicative mood (陈述句) 4 Active voice (主动语态) 5 Performative verbs (施为动词),3.1 Collapse of the dichotomy,However, Austin soon finds out that: 1. the subject may be: the first person plural, as in We promise to clean the room afterwards”; second person, as in You are hereby authorized to pay for the purchase“; or third person, as in “Passengers are warned to cross the track by the briage only”. 2. the voice may be passive e.g. Notice is hereby given that passengers will be prosecuted.,3. In informal situations, other moods than the indicative may be used. e.g. Turn right.(Instead of “I order you to turn right”). 4. vocabulary may not be a reliable criterion. e.g.to issue an order, one doesnt need to use the word order“. 5. performatives verbs can be used in constative ways. e.g. She names this sip the Queen Elizabeth. so the speaker can perform certain acts either by uttering sentences with explicit performative verbs or by other devices identified as word order, stress, intonation, and even context.,4.1 The theory of illocutionary acts (言语行为三分说) Owing to these problems and others, J. Austin rejected the distinction between constatives and performatives. Instead, he proposed a new and more general framework of speech act analysislocutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. (P206),A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax lexicon and phonology. An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speakers intention. It is the act performed in saying something. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something. it is the consequence of, or the change brought about the utterance. (Austin 1962),Among the three acts, the illocutionary act is what linguists have been studying all along, which involves many psychological and social factors, of which we are still more or less in the dark. So the illocutionary act is what Austin really driving at. In this sense, speech act theory is in fact a theory of the illocutionary act.,4.2 (Illocutionary) Speech acts classified,According to J. Austin, (illocutionary) speech acts fall into certain types in terms of their illocutionary force, as listed below: verdictives(裁决型), exercitives(行使型), commissives(承诺型), behavitives(行为型), expositives(阐述型),A. verdictives 裁决类 Its a verdict given by a jury, arbitrator or umpire. e.g. final decisions, estimate, reckoning or appraisal B. exercitives 行使类 It involves the exercising of powers, rights or influence. e.g. appointing, voting, ordering, urging, advising, warning, etc. C. Commissives 承诺类 It is essentially act of promising or other undertaking which includes declarations or announcements.,D. behabitives 行动类 It is characterized by the expression of attitudes and social be
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