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服务科学与工程概论Introduction to Service Science 客户端通过“service registry”来访问服务,当希望访问其他服务时,只要手工修改该registry即可相当于一个配置文件; 客户端通过“service broker”来动态决定需访问那个服务;完全动态的服务选择,很困难,需要用到服务语义的相关技术。,2020/7/24,89,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,5.2.4 服务集成器 (Service Integrator),2020/7/24,90,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,以上模式存在的问题,如果客户端需要同时或连续调用多个服务的功能,它必须在自己的系统中分别写出多个调用;非常麻烦; 而且,对多个服务的调用次序也是容易发生变化的,需要频繁的修改;难以做到; 怎么办?降低耦合度 将remote service strategy的思想进一步发挥,客户端不去逐一调用服务,而是首先将这些被调用的服务按逻辑关系集成起来,形成一个集成的、大粒度的服务; 客户端只需调用这一个服务即可; 当该服务执行时,集成器(integrator)依靠配置信息来分别调用一个个小粒度的服务; 对这些配置信息进行修改,即可方便的做到变更。,2020/7/24,91,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,服务集成器(Service Integrator),2020/7/24,92,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,服务集成器(Service Integrator),Operational Systems,Service-Oriented,Business Process,Component-based,Presentation,QoS, Security, Management should be in a machine-usable format for dynamic discovery and binding. Registry Repository Run-time policies Policy reuse,2020/7/24,236,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,SOA Policy,Auditing & Conformance Policy should not be left for documentation, but be an active part of the operations of companies. Automatic policy enforcement to detect, analyze, and audit policy compliance. Policy process should be integrated with the design, development, deployment and operation of Services in an efficient and transparent manner.,Laying down the law: SOA policies arent worth anything unless theyre enforced,2020/7/24,237,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,SOA Policy,Policy management: track, review & improve Govern the implementation, encourage reusability, manage collaboration processes, and improve business metrics Policies What policies we have? Where are these policies implemented? Enterprise Interfaces What enterprise Services are being developed? Conformance Status How well do our services conform to our policies? Impact Analysis What happens to our SOA operations if we change our current SOA policies ? Interdependencies How will operations be impacted by changes made to Services? Exception Management What will be the impact of an exception?,2020/7/24,238,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,SOA Policy,Integration Process integration SOA Governance must integrate with the current flow of Service development and with the tools and systems available. Ensure that Service implementations are in conformance with enterprise policies throughout design, development, testing, implementation, deployment, and maintenance. System integration SOA Governance must transparently integrate with EAI, development tools, and other enterprise applications that are producing and consuming Services.,2020/7/24,239,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,Service Lifecycle Management,Service Lifecycle A model for describing the key activities and management tasks associated with the different phases of the life of a business service, from analysis and design to production support. Identification & Definition Development & Testing Publish & Deploy Discover & Manage Management Issues Service deployment Service versioning Service monitoring,Identification & Definition,Development & Testing,Publish & Deploy,Discover & Manage,2020/7/24,240,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,Service Lifecycle Management,Provider lifecycle Understanding and managing the requirements Managing the access and visibility Publishing information Managing delivery,Consumer lifecycle Exploring service Validating the conformance Negotiating usage Validating quality Responding to changes,2020/7/24,241,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,Service Lifecycle Management,Management principles Traceability Services should be visible throughout life cycle, from business perspective to deployed software service Managed Services should be managed as an asset throughout the life cycle with established and consistently enforced policies Application-Neutral Concept of SOA is applicable to all classes of interoperability Agile Process The SOA is never finished or stable and should allow for the flexibility of dynamic process recomposition Federated Process The SOA is a collaboration of independent components that provide services according to contractual obligations.,2020/7/24,242,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,5.6.4 IBM SOA governance model,2020/7/24,243,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,IBM SOA Governance Model,Plan the governance requirements Define the governance approach Enable the governance model incrementally Measure, monitor and manage the governance processes,SOA Lifecycle,SOA Governance Lifecycle,SOA Governance and management approach,2020/7/24,244,西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,Summary,SOA requires a major shift in the way software in developed and deployed within enterprise. “Develop now, Integrate later” “Develop for Integration” The new paradigm, technologies and standards created to support this shift require companies to implement their SOA in a well planned, well coordinated, and effectively managed way. To ensure business continuity, reduce integration costs and complexities, it must govern the design, development, deployment, and operations of services in the enterprise. Policy and service lifecycle management are the important elements to achieve SOA Governance. Policies set the goal
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