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Lesson6 A Famous Football player一位著名的足球运动员,词汇全解,ago/ gou/adv.副词,以前。 形近词:age年龄。近义词:before以前 bottle/b tl/n.名词,瓶子。 短语: a bottle of.一瓶。 as/ z/prep.介词,作为;如同。 coach/k u t/n.名词,教练。 短语:a football coach足球教练。 would /wud/情态动词,要,肯;会, 表示愿意,喜欢。 gift/gift/n.名词,礼物。复数:gifts,Christmas/krism s/n.名词,圣诞节 something/s m i /pron,代词,某事某东西 dig/dig/v.动词,挖,过去式dug/d g/,现在分词digging,短语:dig a hole挖洞。 front/fr nt/n.名词,前面。 短语:in front of在.的前面 cup/k p/n.名词,奖杯;茶杯 around/ ru nd/pron,介词。到处;各处 country/k ntri/n,名词,国家;乡村。复数:countries famous/feim s/adj,形容词,著名的。 短语:be famous for.因.著名,课文全解,Many years ago,there was a baby from a very poor family.许多年以前,有一个来自非常贫穷的家庭的男孩。 He liked to play football very much.他非常喜欢踢足球。 But his parents couldnt buy him a football.但是他的父母不能给她买一个足球。 The boy used boxes and bottles as his footballs.这个男孩用盒子和瓶子作为他的足球。,One day,a coach saw him.He thought that the boy would be a good player.一天,一名教练看到他,,He thought that the boy would be a good player.The coach gave the boy a football as gift.他认为这个男孩将成为一名很好的运动员。这个教练给了这个男孩一个足球作为礼物。 From then on,the boy played football harder.从那时起,这个男孩更加努力地踢足球了。,At Christmas time,the boy wanted to do something for the kind coach.,圣诞节,这个男孩想为那个善良的教练做一些事情。 He ran to the coachs home and dug a hole in front of his house.他跑到教练家,在教练的家挖了一个洞。 The coach asked why.教练问为什么? The boy said,I cant buy a Christmas gift.男孩说:“我不能个你买一份圣诞礼物。But I can dig a hole for your Charistmas tree.但是我可以为你的圣诞树挖一个洞。” The coach was happy.He said,This is the best Christmas gift.教练很开心。他说:“这是最好的圣诞礼物。”,The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team.,这个教练让男孩成为它的做球队的一名运动员。 In 1958,the 17-year-old boy and his team won the World Cup.在1958年,这个17岁的男孩和他的球队赢得了世界杯。 He was famous around the country.他在全国出了名。 Do you know who the boy is?He is Pele-the would famus football player!你知道那个男孩是谁吗?他是贝利世界著名的足球运动员。,Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs?为什么这个男孩用盒子和瓶子作为它的足球? Why did the coach give him a football as a gift?为什么教练给了他一个足球作为礼物? What can you lean from Pele?你能从贝利身上学到什么?,Because his family was very poor and his parents couldnt buy him a football,Because the coach thought that he would be a good player.,If you work hard , you will be successful.,
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