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摘 要IT项目动态联盟利益协同机制研究随着全球经济的发展,中小IT企业在市场中的竞争越来越激烈,这些企业要在竞争中求得发展就要选择一种适合自身发展的模式。根据IT项目的特点,项目动态联盟及其管理模式在中小IT企业的运行过程中普遍存在,但是在运行过程中存在很多问题,如稳定性问题、治理结构问题、沟通与协调问题、利益分配与利益协同机制问题等都制约着项目的实施,如若问题处理不当直接影响动态联盟的运行,甚至导致动态联盟的解体。在查阅文献的基础上发现动态联盟利益协同问题是项目动态联盟运行的过程中的敏感问题,这个问题成为学者研究的一个热点,因此利益协同问题的解决对于项目动态联盟的发展有着理论与现实的意义。本文对国内外动态联盟的研究现状进行综述,相关基础理论进行阐述,并在此基础上提出本文研究的相关概念。IT项目指中小企业的建筑工程中的IT项目,主要包含建筑智能弱电系统等,以信息技术为依托,运用网络技术手段满足用户的通信需求,在实施过程中用户需求变化频繁,要求工期短,科技含量较高,资金压力大。利益协同机制是指在项目动态联盟中盟主、盟员企业相互合作,在盟主与盟员的努力下为共同完成项目,联盟内合理地进行利益分配,制定约束机制、冲突协调机制、激励机制,完善对联盟成员的管理,从而获得联盟的利益最大化以及各自预期收益目标的实现。通过对IT项目动态联盟利益协同的现状分析,归纳出IT项目动态联盟利益协同主要问题是资金分歧问题、道德风险问题、技术投入问题、内部管理问题、沟通与协调问题。资金分歧问题主要是由于盟主与盟员在资金投入时的价值定位不同;道德风险问题是盟员的投机、败德行为产生的;技术投入问题是对于核心技术投入的认知不同;内部管理问题是由于在IT项目动态联盟中管理意识淡薄,管理效益见效慢,盟主与盟员都不愿意投入管理成本,造成管理流程混乱,效率低下;沟通与协调问题是由于项目周期短,盟主与盟员之间磨合的时间短,默契度低,信息流通不畅。对利益协同问题的剖析分析出主要影响因素有五个即协作风险、投入产出比不合理、信息不对称、制度不健全、激励与约束不到位。分析结论:无论是哪种问题表象,还是哪种影响因素都可归纳为信息不对称、协同思想不统一的问题。针对上述的两类问题,本文提出相应的解决方法。第一类问题由于信息不对称产生的,问题的根源在于盟员之间的了解程度低,沟通协调少,在利益分配过程中分配系数不合理,通过盟主与盟员之间的博弈模型确定利益分配系数,同时考虑盟员的努力付出以及偷懒行为对联盟产生的影响,对模型加以改进。在利益协同模型中联盟的利益与盟员的努力程度、贡献度成正比例关系,与创新性成本成反比例,与偷懒行为成反比例。第二类问题是由于盟员之间没有统一的协同思想,问题就在于IT项目动态联盟这个临时性的组织盟员之间的匹配度低,信任度差,运用协同理论构建了相应的行为约束机制、冲突协调机制、利益分配与激励机制。在建立利益协同机制的同时提出了保障机制得以实行的措施,完善契约约定,加大奖惩力度;增进联盟的信任,加强盟主与盟员之间的沟通;强化联盟成员协同理念,建设联盟文化。通过实证分析检验利益协同机制在实践当中的应用,根据IT项目的实际情况给出利益协同机制的具体措施,以法律法规为依据签署严密的契约合同,明确相关方的职责,制定明确的奖惩办法,激励盟员的行为,在实践中体现了利益协同机制的优越性。在最后对全文进行总结,通过本文的研究得出的相关结论,希望对IT项目动态联盟的利益协同问题解决提供帮助。关键词:IT项目,动态联盟,利益协同机制ABSTRACTStudy on Interests of the Cooperative Mechanisms of Dynamic Alliance in IT ProjectWith the global economic development, and it in the market competition is fierce,these enterprises in the competition will select for its own pattern of development.According to IT project the Dynamic Alliance management and business operations inthe andes in general, but in running process, there exist many problems, such as stabilityproblems, governance issues, communication and coordination problems, benefitdistribution and Interests of the Cooperative of the problem for the project by theimplementation of these problems are not handled properly, a direct bearing on thedynamic of the league in running or even lead to a Dynamic Alliance collapsed. Forliterature on the basis of interests with the problem of Dynamic Alliance of in IT projectis a sensitive issue, and therefore interest with the problem for the dynamic developmentof the league has a its value in theory and significance in practice.The alliance with the dynamics of a review. relevant basic theories to elaborate onand on the basis of this research by the relevant concepts. IT project to the building ofthe project provided the major construction projects, it contains weakly electric system.In information technology for supporting and network technology means ofcommunication to meet user requirements, in the course of user needs to changefrequently, the contents of science and technology are high, the funds under greatpressure. Good co-ordination mechanism in projects of the Dynamic Alliance enterprise,in collaboration with avalon acoustics and leaguer efforts to accomplish a project, theleague in the interests of rational distribution and restraining mechanism, rewards andpenalties, we should improve the mechanism for member of management, and thus gainthe maximal their respective interests and the expected return target.Through the interests of the analysis in IT projects Dynamic Alliance, the mainproblem is funds of the question, moral hazard and technology in question, the internalmanagement issues, communication and coordination issues. Financial issues weremainly due to financial input avalon acoustics and leaguer in the value orientation吉林大学硕士学位论文4different ;moral hazard is a selfish behaviour of leaguer ;technology in question is thekey technology in the different;internal management issues in the project because it is incharge of the dim and management efficiency, operate avalon acoustics and leaguer to achange in management processes and efficiency ;Communication and coordinationproblems of project periods, avalon acoustics and leaguer run-in time between, the flowof information are not smooth. The interests of the problem of collaborative analysis ofthe major five factors,such as collaboration in risk, the output unreasonable andinformation asymmetry, regulations and incentives and constraints to be inadequate.Conclusion: the first is the information asymmetry, the second is by the lack ofsolidarity.Aim to sovle these two types of problems, the text of the handi-capped solution.The first question for information asymmetry problem and is leaguer between the lowlevel, coordination and communication in benefit distribution process of distribution isnot reasonable, and between avalon acoustics and leaguer the model to Determine theinterests
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