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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。国开04012-商务英语4-Unit6Self-test-辅导资料国开04012-商务英语4-Unit 6 Self-test参考答案说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案特殊说明请仔细:课程的题目每学期都可能更换,所以请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!题目1: They want to make sure youre paying taxes on the money you make._ .: Were paying alright; At least, our records for money in are very complete; Thats something you can improve by talking to human resources参考答案:Were paying alright题目2: I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier._ .: We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the cost; Well, youve got my support on this; You only need a budget increase for the first order参考答案:Well, youve got my support on this题目3:Current _ are those debts that must be paid within the year.: assets; equities; liabilities参考答案:liabilities题目4:Thats something you can improve by talking to human _ .: courses; resources; sources参考答案:resources题目5:Did you get the financial records _ shape for your audit next month?: into; in; from参考答案:into题目6:完形填空:选择正确答案,补全文章(每题10分)。ALIBABA SEEKS TO RAISE BILLIONS IN IPOInvestors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goodsA. in; B. with; C. by linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected toA. sell; B. make; C. go on its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange.The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percentA. share; B. capital; C. profit of the company. That would mean the company could raiseA. as more as; B. as much as; C. as many as $20 billion dollars in the public stock sale.After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the mostA. value with; B. valuate; C. valuable technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a market value of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.参考答案:子问题1:C. by; 子问题 2:B. make; 子问题 3:A. share; 子问题 4:B. as much as; 子问题 5:C. valuable题目7:There are more and more _ of software for accounting, this has made the different types of software more accessible in terms of costs and variety.: manufacturers; manufacturing; manufactures参考答案:manufacturers题目8:It will _ about eight percent more than initially projected: spend; pay; cost参考答案:cost题目9:Large organizations will find _ impossible to manage all these data if manual accounting were used.: what; that; it参考答案:it题目10:Did you get your financial records into shape for your audit next month?_. Keeping a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not an easy task.: It seems our records are always a little incomplete; Its a piece of cake; Im still working on ironing out a few problems参考答案:Im still working on ironing out a few problems题目11:The long-term assets are known as _ assets.: fixed; current; net参考答案:fixed题目12:For a limited company, this will include the money _ issuing shares, and is known as the share capital.: raise for; raised by; raising at参考答案:raised by题目13: Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about five thousand dollars over budget.Thats right._.: It will cost about eight percent more than initially projected; We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the cost; Its going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order参考答案:Its going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order题目14:The bottom half shows _ this money came from.: where; what; why参考答案:where题目15:Im still working on _ a few problems.: iron in; to iron at; ironing out参考答案:ironing out题目16: How much of a problem meeting the budget?_.: The product should finance itself; Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs; You only need a budget increase for the first order参考答案:Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs4
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