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摘要企业业务流程重组(BPR)是当前国内管理学界和实业界密切关注的热点课题之一、在九十年代达到全盛的一种管理思想。它强调以业务流程为改造对象和中心、以关心客户的需求和满意度为目标、对现有的业务流程进行根本的再思考和彻底的再设计,利用先进的制造技术、信息技术以及现代化的管理手段、最大限度地实现技术上的功能集成和管理上的职能集成,以打破传统的职能型组织结构(Function-Organization),建立全新的过程型组织结构(Process-Oriented Organization),从而实现企业经营在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面的戏剧性改善。它的重组模式是:以作业流程为中心、打破金字塔状的组织结构、使企业能适应信息社会的高效率和快节奏、适合员工参与企业管理、实现企业内部上下左右的有效沟通、使企业具有较强的应变能力和较大的灵活性。20世纪80年代以后,人们开始将采购和物流管理作为企业取得竞争优势的根本能力之一。说到底,企业的竟争就是企业产品的成本、质量、服务和速度的竟争。而采购和物流管理工作的好坏直接影响到企业产品的成本、质量、服务和速度,采购和物流控制流程又是采购和物流管理工作好坏的重要保证,尤其对一家制造业企业来说更是如此。采购管理工作的重点是采购物品的质量、价格和交付;物流控制工作的重点是产品的出入库、库存的管理和产品的交付。ZF公司是一家合资公司,绝大部分零件是从国外进口采购而来(CKD件),只三个压铸零件是自行加工(而毛坯依然是进口的),所谓的制造也仅仅是组装而言。因此采购和物流在ZF公司的作用可想而知。本文通过对ZF公司现有的采购和物流控制流程进行根本的再思考和彻底的再设计,目的是实现企业经营在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面的戏剧性改善;并分析这次的流程重组的好处、可能出现的阻力及对策,以及在流程重组中应注意的几个问题,希望别的企业在进行采购和物流控制流程BPR时能够从中得到一些的启示。关键词BPR 采购管理 物流控制 CKDAbstractEnterprise Business Process Reengineering is one of the topics of general interest to which the current domestic management and the industry pay close attention. It is a kind of management idea that prevails in nineties. It stresses the business process as an object of reengineering and a center. The target is to care customers requests and customers satisfaction. It is a rethinking and a thorough redesigning of the current business process. It applies the advanced manufacturing technology, information technology and modern management means to realize the function integrations of technology and management in order to break the traditional Function-Organization and to establish a brand new Process-Oriented Organization which will make enterprises improve dramatically in terms of cost, quality, service and speed. Its reengineering mode is to regard the business process as a center and to break the pyramidal Function-Organization in order to enable enterprises to adapt themselves to the information society with high efficiency and tempo by which Employees can participate in enterprise management and make internal communication effectively with greater meet-emergency ability and flexibility.After the 1980s people have been considering purchasing and material control as one of the radical abilities to gain competition advantages. In a word the enterprise competition is namely the competition in terms of product cost, quality, service and speed. But good or bad purchasing and material control management will affect product cost, quality, service and speed directly. Whereas purchasing and material control process is a important guarantee of good or bad purchasing and material control management that is too true for a manufacturing enterprise.The key point of purchasing management is quality, price and delivery of purchased goods. The focus of material control is in-out stock, stock management and product delivery. ZF Co. is a Joint Venture. Most parts are purchased overseas. Only three die casting parts are machined by themselves (but blanks are imported). The so-called manufacture is actually simple assembly. Therefore you can image the importance of purchasing and material control in this company.This thesis is a fundamental rethinking and a complete redesigning of ZF present purchasing and material control process. The purpose is to realize the dramatic improvement in cost, quality, service and speed etc. It analyzes the benefit of the process reengineering and shows possible resistance, relative strategies and some problems to be paid attention to during reengineering. Hope other enterprises draw some inspiration from it during the period of business process reengineering of purchasing and material control process.Key words BPR Purchasing Management Logistic Control CKD目 录引 言1第一章 ZF公司的基本概况2第一节 背景 2第二节 ZF公司基本资料2第二章 ZF公司现有的采购与物流控制流程6第一节 采购流程6第二节 物流控制流程14 第三章 ZF公司的采购与物流控制流程BPR25 第一节 流程重组的内涵25 第二节 采购流程BPR27第三节 物流控制流程BPR34第四章 采购与物流控制流程BPR的得失37第一节 采购与物流控制流程BPR的好处37第二节 采购与物流控制流程BPR的阻力39第三节 采购与物流控制流程BPR过程中应注意的几个问题40参考文献43后 记44附 录4555引 言ZF公司是一家德国控股的中德合资企业,专业生产汽车动力转向泵。生产技术来源于德国,目前采取的生产方式为进口CKD零件国内组装,同时正在进行CKD零件的国产化。国产化零件中除了三种铸铝零件自己加工(毛坯是CKD进口的)以外,其余零件都采用和将采用外协加工的方式组织生产。因此对ZF公司来说,物料的采购和管理在整个生产过程中占很大比重。正是由于物料的采购和管理的重要性,本文从实际出发,运用BPR的理论并结合实际工作经验,以提高产品的质量、服务以及适应市场的变化和降低产品的成本为目的,分析现有的采购和物流控制流程,在分析的基础上对ZF公司的采购和物流控制流程作根本性的再思考和彻底性的再设计,总结本次采购和物流控制BPR应注意的问题和可能出现的困难和阻力,希望为以后相类似的工作提供一些借鉴。本文共分四章。第一章重点介绍ZF公司的背景资料;从ZF公司的成立、ZF产品介绍、ZF公司质量管理状况、ZF公司主要设备、ZF公司主要的客户以及ZF公司的组织结构图六个方面介绍ZF公司的基本状况,使大家能对ZF公司有一个大概的印象。第二章重点介绍ZF公司现有的采购和物流控制流程;本章有二部分组成:第一部分是现有的采购流程分析,另部分是现有的物流控制流程分析。在采购流程的分析中,按照采购的品种分类,分别介绍了CKD件、配套件、国产化件、设备、原
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