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Module10Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate.,chocolate,watermelons,stomache ache 胃疼 have a cold 感冒,headache 头疼 fever 发烧,chocolate 巧克力 stomache ache 胃疼 watermelon 西瓜 have a cold 感冒 headache 头疼 fever 发烧,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Today he has got a stomache ache.,Today she has got a headache.,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,Today she has got a fever.,Today he has got a stomache ache.,1. What happened to Sam today? (Sam今天发生了什么事情?) 2. What happened to Daming today? 3. What happened to Amy today? 4. What happened to Lingling today?,Listen and answer.,3听:Listen and repeat (听并跟读),Daming had two watermelons yesterday, so today hes got a stomache ache.,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday, so today hes got a stomache ache.,Lingling had a headache yesterday, and today shes got a fever.,Amy had a cold yesterday, and today shes got a headahce.,Lets read and act in your groups. (组内朗读并表演课文),Fill in the blanks填空. (so用于因果连接, and用于并列连接),1.I had lots of bananas yesterday,_ today Ive got a stomachache.,2.She had a cold yesterday,_ today shes got a headache.,3. He had a headache yesterday,_ today hes got a fever.,4. She had lots of sweets yesterday, _today shes got a toothache.,so,and,and,so,Lets relax and have a play.让我们放松一下,快来表演了!,Doctor医生:What happened to you? Patient病人:Ive got a headache/ cold/stomachache/toothache/ Doctor医生:What happened/What did you have yesterday? Patient病人: I had a fever/I had lots of sweetsyesterday. Doctor医生:Dont worry.Youll be all right. Patient病人:Thank you very much.,An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,不用请医生。,. A light heart lives long.心情开朗寿命长。,Knowledge小知识,Homework:,Homework:,1.Listen and repeat for 5 times. 2. Continue to act out the play with your parents or friends after class.,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,listen to the chant ,then answer three questions.,1.Whats wrong with Little Tommy? 2.Whats wrong with Little Lingling? 3.Whats wrong with Little Ben?,Little Tommy had a cold.,What happened to Little Tommy?,Little Lingling had a fever.,Little Ben had a headache .,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,不用请医生。,. A light heart lives long.心情开朗寿命长。,Povertyisthemotherofhealth.贫穷是健康之母,Knowledge小知识,then,那时候,now,现在,was,were,am,is,are,Yesterday he watched TV .,Yesterday he played on the computer .,Yesterday I played football .,Chant,我有,我有: I have got = Ive got 你有,你有: You have got = Youve got 他有,他有: He has got = Hes got 她有,她有: She has got= Shes got 我们有: We have got = Weve got 你们有: You have got = Youve got 他们有: They have got = Theyve got,缩写形式,buy 购买花钱去, 买完bought 成过去 bought a watermelon the watermelon fell off,温馨小提示:一般过去时态 定义:用来描述自己和他人在过去某一时间所做的活动。 表示过去的时间:yesterday昨天, last week上周, last weekend上周末等等。,主语+动词的过去式+其他。 Amy phoned Grandma.,构成:,要求学生在课本中找动词过去式,规则变化:,不规则变化:,happen,happened,carry,carried,bump,bumped,go,went,are,were,原形,过去式,原形,过去式,They have got a stomachache.,She has got a headache.,She has got a fever.,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,I yesterday .,cooked meat,1.Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday. ( ),2.Daming had two watermelons yesterday. ( ),3.Amy had a cold yesterday. ( ),4.Lingling had a headache yesterday. ( ),吃了,吃了,患病了,患病了,stomach ache,动词过去式的变法顺口溜: Yesterday 表过去,动词要用一般过去式。 规则动词加ed, 有e 直接加上d Talk , talk , talked Listen,listen,listened Watch,watch,watched Phone,phone,phoned 不规则特殊记,are变were, am/ is 变was,do do变did。,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,had (have的过去) 吃;患(病),Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Lingling had a headache yesterday,
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