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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。节日出行 Holidays and OutingsIt is common in english to ask people about their holidays. In the west many families go away on holiday during the summer months and so it is very usual to ask about this. If the holiday has not yet taken place, then their holiday plans can be talked about. And if it is already over, then where they went, whether they enjoyed it and so on can be discussed. similar questions are asked before festivals and pubic holidays.Foreigners living and working in china often have frequent opportunities for travel, either at weekends or during their holiday periods, so questions on this topic can often lead to fruitful discussions. They may be particularly interested to hear comments on which places are worth visiting and why, especially if these places are a little less well known and not clearly described in the tour guides.Take vacaticn and long weekends. Never let vacation time expire.英语人问人们关于他们的假期这是常见的。在西方许多家庭外出度假在暑假期间,所以它是很平常的询问。如果假期尚未发生,那么他们的假期计划可以谈论。而如果是已经结束了,然后他们去了,他们是否喜欢它,所以就可以进行讨论。类似这样的问题经常节日和一些公共假期被提及。在中国生活和工作的外国人经常有频繁旅游的机会,无论是在周末或假期期间,因此,关于这个话题,往往会变成非常热烈的讨论。他们可能特别有兴趣听到哪些地方值得一游,为什么值得去,特别是如果这些地方是有点少为人知,或者导游没有很清楚的描述这个地方。给自己一个假日或者很长的周末吧。不让自己的假期虚度。2
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