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英语(新标准)(衔接小学)初一上册第十模块整体解读及分析模块整体解读及分析英语(新标准)(衔接小学)初一上册Module 10 Computers 教师姓名 赵洁 执教学校和学段 临朐县寺头初中 初中所在教研室 临朐 联系方式(手机)话题 本模块以电脑为主题,内容涉及如何用电脑完成作业、世界不同地方的人们对电脑的利用程度等,既贴近生活,又开阔学生的眼界。功能 描述过程;询问并表达频度。任务 设计一个有关电脑的问卷。第一课时 Unit1 How do I write my homework on the computer?第二课时 Unit2 How often do you use a computer?课时划分第三课时 Unit3 Language in use第一课时一、教学内容分析教学内容 英语(新标准)(衔接小学)初一上册Module 10 Computers教学对象 初一学生教材内容 该单元是以对话的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让学生能听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并就电脑的操作使用进行简单的问答。内容既接近生活又能激发学生学习的兴趣词语 computer, keyboard, monitor, mouse, print, printer, connect, switch, switch on, finally, first, document, use, click, next, save, box, then, again教学项目结构 Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences语言知识 1.Key vocabulary: computer, keyboard, monitor, mouse, print, printer, connect, switch, switch on, finally, first, document, use, click, next, save, box, then, again2.Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences语言技能 1.To understand conversations about how to use a computer2.To learn how to give instructions语言运用 To talk about how to use computers文化意识 Prompt students to explore new knowledge autonomously.情感态度 1.Raise students interest to learn English and get to know more knowledge about computers in English.2.Through experiencing, participation and practice, encourage students to be cooperative and learn from each other.教学目标学习策略 自学策略,合作学习策略教学重点 1.Names of computer items2.Conversations about how to use a computer教学难点 How to give instructions of writing homework on the computer运用任务 Talk about how to use computers教学方法 Communicative approach,pairwork,groupwork教学媒体 Tape recorder, PPT, blackboard二、课堂教学过程预设时间 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 教学目的2m Step1 Greeting 1.Greet the students2.Whats your habit? Can you do it on the computer?1. Greet the teacher2. Answer the teachers question1相互问候,拉近师生的情感距离2引入本课话题5m Step 2Presentation 1Show the picture of computers T: what can you see in the picture? 对学生不懂的电脑部件单词进行新教授 2请五个学生戴上五个电脑部件的头饰,巩固单词并用于connectto, switch on 中。T:Whats this? Connect the mouse to the computer.3. Ask students to do pair work1. Answer: I can see 2. 学生回答老师问题,戴相应头饰的学生hand in hand.,并造出词组3. 小组练习1结合图片,根据学生已有的水平教授单词。2将单词放入词组中学习,为稍后的学习作好铺垫,同时学生通过活动开动脑子学习单词词组,激发学生的学习兴趣。3学生模仿操练,通过交流合作进一步巩固所学内容。10m Step3 Activity1.2.3 1.Play the recording for them to number the words, then check with the partner. 2.Play the recording again, then check together.1.Students listen and do (Activity1.2.3) 2.Students complete sentences individually, then check together.灵活运用教材,通过听力训练,增加学生进行听力练习的信心。5m Step4 New words and expressions通过课件图文并茂,学习动词use, open, write, save, print.并引导学生尝试应用新词组学生初步认识新单词和词组,并能结合所学知识拓展应用词组use the mouse/ 1新课程标准强调在语境中学习词汇和句型,任务设计使学生在理解上下文语境的E.g. use: use the mouse click: click the mousekeyboard/printer click: click the mouse/document基础上掌握单词和词组的意义和用法2学生初步认识新单词和词组,并在教师的引导下,能尝试运用新词组10m Step5 Listen, read & write1.Play the recording, “Who is good at using computer, Lingling or Daming?” 2. Play again, have the students listen and do Activity53. Pair work and check the answer together4. Play the 3rd time, and pause after each phrase, asking the students to repeat, and then do Activity6.5. Repeat the exercise using first, next, then and finally.1. Listen and answer2. 学生听,以小组形式共同讨论结果,并回答。3. 学生跟读课文,小组合作练习,学生两两分角色朗读对话。1提供新的语言环境 ,通过听力加强在Step4 中学习到的词组2小组讨论能解决层次问题并增强学生的合作能力。10m Step6 Speaking 在课件上提供几个文件:绘图,购物,写作业,发邮件。1. Choose one of the documents, operate the computer, saying how to do it. 2. Choose the document again, ask the students to say how to do it with the teacher.3. Ask students to do pair work, then check.学生小组讨论。以小组为单位,自由选择喜欢的文件,初步运用所学的知识,用英语简单的表述如何用电脑操作。积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近生活的与课文相关的材料,学生在老师的指导下,通过小组的讨论与合作等方式解决问题,进一步提升学生运用语言的能力。3m Step7 Summary 1. Get students to sum up what we have learned in class.Students talk about what weve learned today.培养学生的归纳总结知识的能力.2. Teacher makes a brief sum-up.第二课时一、教学内容分析教学内容 英语(新标准)(衔接小学)初一上册Module 10 Computers教学对象 初一学生教材内容 该单元以短文形式讲述了电脑在生活中的运用,贴近学生生活,易激发学生兴趣。词语 Online,travel,download,Internet,grandchild,sometimes,check,train,timetable,weekend,information教学项目结构 Key structures: Present simple questions in Present simple语言知识 1. Grammar: special questions and answers; affirmative and negative forms in Present Simple. 2. Phrases: buy tickets, check train timetable, download music, get information, go online, make travel plans, send email, use Internet, visit website语言技能 Through reading, listening, speaking and writing exercises, be able to ask and answer questions with the new phrases in this unit.语言运用 write a report in Present Simple.文化意识 Be active to take part in the activities.情感态度 Cooperate in a group. Be confident.教学目标学习策略 自学策略,合作学习策略教学重点 1.The using of computers in our lives2.passage about computer教学难点 How to give information from the passage运用任务 Writing a report教学方法 Communicative approach,pairwork,groupwork教学媒体 Tape recorder, PPT, blackboard二、课堂教学过程预设时间 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 教学目的5m Step1Lead-inActivity 11. Talk about Guilin. Lead the Ss to the topic of
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