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Chapter 10,Positioning and Differentiating Market Offerings,Marketing Management Tenth Edition,Objectives,Identify Differentiating Attributes Choosing & Communicating Effective Positioning Marketing Strategies Along the Product Life Cycle Marketing Strategy & Market Evolution,The BCG CompetitiveAdvantage Matrix,Volume,Fragmented,Stalemated,Specialized,Product Differentiation,Form,Fea- tures,Perfor- mance,Quality,Conform- ance Quality,Dura- bility,Relia- bility,Repair- ability,Style,Design,Delivery,Services Differentiation,Ordering Ease,Maintenance & Repair,Customer Training,Installation,Customer Consulting,Differentiation,Personnel Channel,Media,Atmosphere,Symbols,Events,Image Differentiation,Differences Worth Establishing,Affordable,Superior,Profitable,Preemptive,Distinctive,Important,Positioning is the act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the the target markets mind. P 298,Perceptual Map,Sales & Profit Life Cycles,Four IntroductoryMarketing Strategies,Rapid- skimming strategy,Rapid- penetration strategy,Slow- penetration strategy,Slow- skimming strategy,Maturity Stage,Market Modification Product Modification Marketing-Mix Modification,Decline Stage,Decrease investment Resolve uncertainties - stable investment Selective niches Harvesting Divesting,Market Evolution,Emergence Growth Maturity Decline,Market-Fragmentation andMarket-Consolidation Strategies,Review,Identify Differentiating Attributes Choosing & Communicating Effective Positioning Marketing Strategies Along the Product Life Cycle Marketing Strategy & Market Evolution,
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