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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。关于袁隆平的英语作文3篇篇一:初中英语句型与范例-名人介绍 初中英语作文句型与范例-名人介绍 1. Born on .(具体日期), . 2. Born in .(具体地点),. 例句:Born on December 28th, 1989, she later became a good teacher of whom students are fond. 出生于1989年12月28号,她后来成为一位学生喜欢的好老师 3. 描写外貌巧用with做定语 例句:Xiaoming is a boy with a pair of glasses.小名是一个带着眼镜的男生Yang Yang is good-looking with long hair. 杨扬很漂亮,有着长长的头发 4. Not only.,but also. 例句:Not only is Hou Yaowen interested in science, but also he has a gift/talent for music. 侯耀文不仅对科学感兴趣,而且有音乐天赋。 5. 连接词: after ,then, before ,moreover(此外),whats more ., At first, 6. 其他:graduate from (毕业于), receive a degree(获得学位) 范文 周恩来 Zhou En lai was born in Huaian , Jiangsu, on March 5,1898.In 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School, and then went to France to learn Marxist theory. In 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist Party. After that, he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai. He led the famous uprising-Nanchang Uprising on August 1st,1927.Then he took part in the Long March .From 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China. After the Peoples Republic of China was founded, he was elected Premierof China. He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight. He had no time to think about himself, but only the Chinese people. Premier Zhou died on January 8th,1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese peoples hearts. He was a great Marxist and communist. 刘翔中国第一个男子奥运田径冠军(track champion)籍贯:生日上海;1983最值得骄傲的事1)雅典奥运会平世界纪录2)2006年瑞士洛桑田径超级大奖赛冠军(a super grand prix in Lausanne, Switzerland),打破沉睡13年之久英国运动员保持的世界纪录下一个目标2008北京奥运会夺冠,为国争光 Liuxiang-Our Pride ? Born in 1983, Shanghai, Liuxiang is Chinas first male Olympic trackchampion. To our pride, Liuxiang set the world record of Olympics Games in Athens. Whats more, in 2006, he broke the world record and got the championship at a super grand prix in Lausanne, Switzerland. It has caused public concern of the entire world that he smashed the 13-year-old world record in mens 110-meter hurdle kept by British hurdler. Though Liuxiang is a proud world record holder now, his main goal hasnt changed that he will win another gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games for our homeland. 写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁隆平的文章。 1袁隆平, 1937年9月7日出生在重庆的一个贫困农民家庭。 21953年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘西农校任教。 31964年开始从事水稻研究。1981年荣获我国第一个国家发明特等奖,被国际上誉为“杂交水稻之父”。 4生活简朴,不计名利。 Yuan Longping ? Born on September 7, 1937 in Chongqing, Yuan Longping was from a poor farmers family. Having graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he was sent to work as a teacher in the Agriculture School in the west of Hunan. He began his research in rice in 1964 and got the First National Special Prize for Invention in 1981. He is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” by the international friends. Famous as he is, he cares little for money and fame.篇二:新版外研9A 作文 Module 1. 介绍一次旅行经历 作文1 假设上周末你和父母去北京游玩。请根据下面的提示,以A trip to Beijing为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。 范文 A trip to Beijing Last weekend my parents and I went to Beijing by plane. We climbed the Great Wall and took lots of photos there. The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It is about 6,700 kilometers long, and 4-5 meters wide. Its wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a real man.” It is the symbol of China in a way. Were so proud of it that weve climbed the Great Wall. During the trip we also ate Beijing Duck. We really had a good time in Beijing. I hope I can visit it again someday. 上周我和我的父母坐飞机去了北京。在那里我们爬了长城并且拍了许多照片。长城是世界最伟大的奇观之一。它大约长6700千米,有4-5米宽。它的宽度足够5匹马或10个人在上面并排行走。“不到长城非好汉”。它是中国的象征。我们为它感到如此的骄傲,以至于我们都登上了长城。在旅行期间,我们还吃了北京烤鸭。我们在北京确实过得很开心。我希望某一天我还能再次浏览它。 作文2 泰山位于山东省中部,每年都吸引数以百万计的游客前来游览。清晨,天正下着雨,你开车到达泰山;一下车就开始登山;这时,云开始散开,雨停了,太阳也出来了请根据上面的提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。 范文: Today I visited Mount Tai. It is in the middle of Shandong Province and attracts millions of visitors every year. Early in the morning, when I arrived there by car, it was raining. As soon as I got out of the car, I began to climb the mountain. At this time, the clouds began to clear and the rain stopped. The sun rose slowly beyond the rocks. How wonderful it was! Everyone cheered. I really enjoyed the trip. Module 2. 介绍一个节日 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the Chinese traditional festivals. It comes in September or October. We have a day off. Chinese people like the Mid-Autumn Festival because it is a festival of harvest(丰收). On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, our family usually get together to have a big dinner. After dinner, we sit around a table outside to enjoy the beautiful moon. The moon looks very bright and round. We also eat moon cakes and fruit. Some people usually tell the story of Change.
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