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陕西旅游版 三年级上册,Part A Warm-up & Lets learn,Unit 8 What Color Is It ?,Part C Find and circle & Try and say,Is it a cat?,Ask and answer,A,How many dogs do you have?,What color is your dog?,Ask and answer,B,blue/blu/(名词)蓝色,green/grin/(名词)绿色,red/red/(名词)红色,orange/rnd/(名词)橙色;橘色,black/blk/(名词)黑色,white/wat/(名词)白色,brown/bran/ (名词)棕色,点击电视机,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,blue,活动开始啦!认识颜色词。,orange,n,Let s learn,重点词汇,blue(名词)蓝色,【例句】The sky is blue 天空是蓝色的。 【短语】in blue 穿蓝色衣服,green(名词)绿色,【例句】I like green best. 我最喜欢绿色。 【短语】in green 穿绿色衣服,red(名词)红色,【例句】This apple isnt red. 这个苹果不是红色的。 【短语】in red 穿红色衣服,重点词汇,orange(名词)橙色;橘色,【例句】I like orange. 我喜欢橙色。 【拓展】orange作名词时当“橘子”讲。 例如:This is an orange, and it is orange.这是一个橘子,它是橙色的。,black(名词)黑色,【例句】Black is my favorite color.黑色是我最喜欢的颜色。,white(名词)白色,【例句】I like white. 我喜欢白色。 【对应词】black,重点词汇,brown (名词)棕色,【例句】I dont like brown.我不喜欢棕色。 【拓展】首字母大写时Brown 是英文中的姓氏,意为“布朗”。 【例句】The Browns are having breakfast now. 布朗一家正在吃早餐。,比一比,black,blue,一、选出下列单词不同类的一项。,( )1.A.red B.color C.green ( )2.A.eight B.blue C.black ( )3.A.orange B.brown C.nine ( )4.A.monkey B.white C.panda ( )5.A.blue B.white C.tiger,B,A,C,B,C,二、看图片,写颜色词。,_,_,_,blue,_,_,_,black,white,red,orange,brown,三、试一试,填一填。,brown,green,black,本课时我们学了以下单词:,23,做颜色单词卡片,和同伴一起 玩卡片记单词游戏。,See you next time,See you next timeSee you next time See you next timeSee you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time See you next time,
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