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第5章 消费者个性、自我概念和生活方式,Chapter 5 : Consumer personalities, self-concept and life-style,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,1,学习要点Key studying points,消费者个性Consumer personality 消费者自我概念Consumer self-concepts 消费者生活方式Consumer life-style,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,2,作者:菲利普 科特勒,引例:不仅仅是香水 (5章引例),2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,3,5.1消费者的个性Consumer personality,Introduction 消费者的购买行为因他们的心理特征和个性的不同而各不相同。 Consumers buying behaviors are different person by person because their different psychological characters of personalities. 解决问题的方案是分析出消费者的心理特征和个性。 The solution is to analyze consumers psychological characters of personalities.,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,4,5.1.1个性的含义和特点: Definition of Personality and its Natures 个性一词,源于拉丁语“Persona”, 有两个含义: 一指演员在舞台上戴的假面具,后引申为个人在生命舞台所扮演的角色。 Personality, on the one hand, refers the mask of player on the perform stages. Then it is extended into a role of a individual in his/her life. 另指能独立思考、具有独特行为特征的人。 On the other hand, personality means an individual who can independently thinking with unique behavioral characteristics. 。,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,5,对消费者个性影响因素的研究在很多方面与营销相关,其中一个领域就是市场细分。 While research into the influence factors on consumers personalities, in many aspects are related with marketing, one of the field is segmentation.,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,6,1) 个性的定义:Definition of Personality:,个性的定义:个性是个人在适应环境的过程中所表现出来的系统的、独特的反应方式。它是由个人在其遗传、环境、成熟、学习等因素交互作用下形成的,且具有相对的稳定性。 Personality is the systematic and unique response of a individual in the process of adaption with the environment. It is shaped by the interaction of heredity, environment, maturity, learning and relative stability .,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,7,2)个性的特征:The natures of Personalities 自然性和社会性 Naturality and sociality 稳定性和可塑性 Stability and shapability 独特性和共同性 Uniqueality and intercommunity 5.1.2个性理论Theories of Personality 弗洛伊德精神分析理论Freuds Psychoanalytic Theory 社会心理学理论Social-psychological Theory,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,8,1)弗洛伊德的精神分析理论Freuds Psychoanalytic Theory,根据这一理论,个性的结构有本我、自我、超我三部分组成。Personality results from the clash of 3 forces-the id, the ego, and the superego,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,9,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,10,图8.1 Freud的个性结构,自我 (Ego) 遵循现实原则,超我(superego) 遵循至善原则),本我(id)、潜意识 遵循快乐原则),本我:是个性结构中最原始的部分,包含着各种原始的与生俱来的本能和冲动,使心理能量的储存所,代表着生物性的内在世界, 完全无视客观存在的外部世界,寻求直接的满足,遵循“快乐原则”。 The id represents physical drives.,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,11,自我:是在适应现实环境中形成的, 是意识控制的化身。知晓外界的事情,衡量是本能和冲动获得满足的可能性。是在符合社会要求的条件下追求快感,奉行的是“现实原则”。 The ego acts to curb the appetites of the id. 超我:是内化了的社会规范和道德律令,即良心、良知、理性等。“超我”是个性的最道德的部分,处于个性的最高层, 按照“至善原则”行动。 The superego is the conscience of “voice within”,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,12,个性“精神分析理论”的应用:Applications of personality Psychoanalytic Theory 购买行为是消费者自身个性的反映和延伸;buying behaviors are the reflections and extensions of consumers personalities. 解释了人类心理深层次的问题,即潜意识或无意识的问题。 Explaining deeper level psychological issues of human being, namely interpreting the unconsciousness or non-consciousness issues .,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,13,心理分析家欧内斯特 迪士特(Ernest Dichter) 的研究发现 :,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,14,2)社会心理学理论Social- Psychology Theory,强调决定行为的环境和情境因素的重要性。Emphasizes on the importance of environmental and situational influenced factors on behaviors. 个体努力符合社会需要,而社会帮助个体达到他/她的目标,是社会的和心理的结合理论。 Individual makes effort to fit the standards and needs of a society, while society helps individual to achieve his/her goals.,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,15,卡伦霍妮 (Karen Horney) 将人们的个性描述为三种类型:,将个性分为三种类型:Personalities can be divided into three groups: 趋同型 (顺从性)Compliant 孤立型Detached 好斗型Aggressive,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,16,Applications: 应用:研究发现:,趋同型消费者偏好具有知名品牌的产品; 孤立型消费者不太关心品牌。 挑剔型消费者喜欢体现阳刚之气的产品;,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,17,5.2消费者的自我概念Consumer self-concept,5.2.1自我概念的内涵Implications of self-concept “ 自我概念是对自我的看法,或对“我是谁”的理解。 self-concept refers the opinions to self, or refers the understanding of “who am I ? 它是理解消费者行为中一个很重要的概念,因为人们总是购买有助于强化自我意识的品牌和产品。 Selfconcept is a very important concept in consumer behavior because people always tend to buy the brands/products that can strengthen their self-consciousness.,2020/7/28,Ma Guo, CEBA, Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior,18,M. 所罗门定义的自我概念:一个人对自身所所持有的认识。Defined by Michael Solomon: self-concept is a persons perception to him/her self . D.J. 霍金斯定义的自我概念是:个人将自身作为对象的所有思想和情感的总和。Defined by Dell Hawkins: self-concept represents the totality of the individual s thoughts and feelings having reference to himself as an object.,2020/7/28,
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