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电控发动机基础培训,2007-08-25,1,Industrial Electronics Training,培训内容,电控发动机的基本原理 安装过程中的注意事项 常见的故障及处理方法,2007-08-25,2,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Input device/输入设备 Sensors/传感器输入 Switches/开关输入 Electronic Control Module or ECM/电子控制模块 microprocessor/ 微处理器 Memory/存储器 Output device/输出设备 Actuators/执行器,Electronic Control System Familiarization电子控制系统介绍,2007-08-25,3,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Sensors 传感器,Temperature sensors 温度传感器 Pressure sensors 压力传感器 Combination sensors 组合式传感器 Fluid level sensors 液位传感器 Speed and position sensors 速度及位置传感器,2007-08-25,4,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Temperature Sensors温度传感器,Include/包括: Coolant temperature sensors 冷却液温度传感器 Intake air temperature sensors 进气温度传感器 Fuel temperature sensors 燃油温度传感器 Oil temperature sensors 机油温度传感器 OEM supplied temperature sensors 主机厂提供的温度传感器,2007-08-25,5,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Feature of Temperature Sensors温度传感器的特点,Temperature Sensors utilize thermistors 温度传感器应用热敏电阻 The resistance of sensors is from 500 ohms to 40k ohms 传感器的电阻值范围在500到40千 The resistance of sensors is inversely propertional to temperature,the change in resistance is not liner 传感器的电阻与温度成反比,这种变化不是线性的 Troubleshooting temperature sensors: check the resistance of the sensors 温度传感器的故障诊断: 检测传感器的电阻,2007-08-25,6,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Application of Pressure Sensors压力传感器的应用,Oil pressure sensors 机油压力传感器 Ambient air pressure sensors 大气压力传感器 Fuel pressure sensors 燃油压力传感器 Intake air pressure sensors/Boost pressure sensors 进气压力传感器/增压压力传感器 OEM supplied pressure sensors 主机厂提供的压力传感器,2007-08-25,7,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Combination sensors组合式传感器,Combine both pressure and temperature sensors in one housing 将压力和温度传感器组合在同一壳体上 Include/包括: Oil sensors 机油组合传感器 Intake air sensors 进气组合传感器 Fuel sensors 燃油组合传感器,2007-08-25,8,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Fluid Level Sensors液位传感器,Coolant level sensor 冷却液液位传感器 Water-In-Fuel sensor 油中有水传感器,2007-08-25,9,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Speed and Position Sensors速度及位置传感器,Engine speed sensor 发动机速度传感器 Engine position sensor 发动机位置传感器 Vehicle speed sensor 车辆速度传感器,2007-08-25,10,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Speed and Position Sensors速度及位置传感器,Variable reluctance sensors 可变磁组传感器,Hall effect sensors 霍尔效应传感器,2007-08-25,11,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Position Sensor位置传感器,Accelerator position sensor 油门踏板位置传感器 Idle validation sensor 怠速有效传感器,2007-08-25,12,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Switch/开关,Single Pole-Single Throw Switch 单刀单掷开关 Single Pole-Double Throw Switch 单刀双掷开关,2007-08-25,13,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Switch/开关,Double Pole-Single Throw Switch 双刀单掷开关,2007-08-25,14,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Symbol of Switches开关的符号,Single Pole-Single Throw Switch 单刀单掷开关 Single Pole-Double Throw Switch 单刀双掷开关 Double Pole-Single Throw Switch 双刀单掷开关,2007-08-25,15,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Actuators 执行器,Solenoids actuators 电磁阀式执行器,Pulse Width Modulation or PWM actuators PWM可变式执行器,2007-08-25,16,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Other electronic device其它电器设备,Grid heater /栅格加热器 Relay/继电器 Lamp/指示灯 Fuse/保险丝,2007-08-25,17,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Electrical Diagram Usage电控系统电路图的使用,Types of electrical diagrams 电路图类型 Identify components on a wiring diagram 识别电路图中的各种符号 Trace a circuit on a wiring diagram 如何跟踪电路图中线路 Color coded wires 线路颜色含义,2007-08-25,18,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Electronic Wiring电控系统线束,Wire types and wire gauge 导线类型及标号 Identify different connector types 识别不同类型的传感器接头 Identify the methods for repairing different connectors 掌握不同类型的传感器接头维修方法,2007-08-25,19,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Connector types传感器接头类型,Deutsch connectors Deutsch接头 Weather Pack connectors Weather Pack接头 Metri-Pack connectors Metri-Pack接头,AMP connectors AMP接头 Bosch connectors Bosch接头,2007-08-25,20,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Deutsch connectorsDeutsch接头,3 pin/3针 6 pin/6针 9 pin/9针 21 pin/21针 29 pin/29针,2007-08-25,21,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Deutsch connectors RepairDeutsch接头维修,Terminal Removal Tools 端线拆卸工具(专用) Size/规格 Color coded/以颜色标记,2007-08-25,22,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Weather Pack connectors&RepairWeather Pack接头及维修,2 pin/2针 3 pin/ 3针 4 pin/ 4针,Terminal Removal Tools 端线拆卸工具(专用),2007-08-25,23,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Metri-Pack connectorsMetri-Pack接头,Terminals are not replaceable 端线不可维修,If one terminal is damaged, the connector must be replaced. 如果某端线损坏了,必须更换整个接头,2007-08-25,24,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,AMP connectors&RepairAMP接头及维修,To connect ECM 与ECM 连接 Many pin in a connector body 接头上有许多针,Terminals Can be replaced individually 端线可单独维修,2007-08-25,25,Industrial Electronics Training,电控发动机的基本原理,Bosch connectors&RepairBosch接头及维修,To connect Sensors/ Actuators 与传感器/执行器连接 Can only be repaired by replacing the entire connector 只能更换整个接头,To connect ECM/与ECM连接 Many pin in a connector body 接头上有许
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