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International Issues,1,問題,印度的IT產業發達、人工便宜 泰國自排機車無人問津 東南亞設廠便宜,然而人工素質較低 大和燒肉捲、板烤米香堡 產品差異化與製程設計問題 Wal-Mart的搬運設備與巴西的標準棧板不相容 跨國的關稅、滙率、貿易保護、基礎建設、文化,International Issues,2,Increasing Globalization,1/5 of output of US firms produced abroad US Companies hold $500 Billion in foreign asset stocks (7% annual growth) 1/4 of US imports between foreign affiliates and US parent companies Over half of US companies increased the number of countries in which they operate (late 80s to early 90s),International Issues,3,Taxonomy of International Supply Chains,International distribution 製造在本國,配銷與相關行銷活動在海外 International suppliers 原料及零件的供應來自國外供應商,最後的裝配在本國進行 Offshore manufacturing 產品在同一地區搜源與製造,最後運回國內的倉庫銷售及配銷 Fully integrated global supply chain,International Issues,4,Forces Driving Globalization (Dornier etc),Global Market Forces Technological Forces Global Cost Forces Political and Economic Forces,International Issues,5,People have “all become global citizens, and so must the companies that want to sell us things” (Kenichi Ohmae),International Issues,6,Global Market Forces,Foreign competition in local markets 為了成功防衛本國市場,公司會發現必須要進入國外市場 Acer為歐洲NB第一品牌 Growth in foreign demand Global presence as a defensive tool Nestles and Kelloggs Presence in state-of-the-art markets Japan - consumer electronics Germany - machine tools US: software,International Issues,7,Technological Forces,Diffusion of knowledge Many high tech components developed overseas Need close relationships with foreign suppliers Technology sharing/collaborations Access to technology/markets Global location of R&D facilities Close to production (as cycles get shorter) Close to expertise (Indian programmers?),International Issues,8,Global Cost Forces,Low labor cost Diminishing importance (Costs underestimated, benefits overestimated) Other cost priorities Integrated supplier infrastructure (as suppliers become more involved in design) Skilled labor Capital intensive facilities tax breaks joint ventures price breaks cost sharing,International Issues,9,Political and Economic Forces1,Exchange rate fluctuations and operating flexibility Regional trade agreements (Europe, North America, Pacific Rim) Value of being in a country in one of these regions Implications for supply network design Reevaluation of foreign facilities (Production processes designed to avoid tariffs),International Issues,10,Political and Economic Forces2,Trade protection mechanisms Tariffs 全球最超值的汽車Mini Cooper.在台灣只能算有點超值 Quotas Voluntary export restrictions Japanese automakers in US Local content requirements TI/Intel factories in Europe Japanese automakers in the EU Government procurement policies Up to 50% advantage for American companies on US Defense contracts,International Issues,11,Risks of international supply chains,Exchange Rates Operating Exposure Foreign companies can enter domestic markets.,International Issues,12,Exchange Rates,匯率的波動會改變產品在某一特定國家中生產的相對價值 Operating Exposure Result of translating foreign financial statements into the currency of the parent company Financial instruments used to hedge these,International Issues,13,Operating Exposure,Changes a firms competitive position and future cash flows In the short run, changes in currency rates dont necessarily reflect changes in inflation rates Regional operations become relatively more or less expensive,International Issues,14,案例,歐洲進口之商品年年調漲 vs. 美國進口商品價格差異不大,International Issues,15,Effect Factors of Operating Exposure (Dornier et al),Customer reactions Competitor reactions market share profit Supplier reactions Government reaction,International Issues,16,問題討論,mini cooper 2000年售價:92萬2008年售價:136萬 義大利進口磨豆機 2000年售價:20000 2008年售價:23100 NB鍵盤5月漲價1015%,International Issues,17,Operational StrategiesTo Address These Risks (Bruce Kogut),Speculative Strategy Bet on a single scenario Japanese auto manufacturing in Japan Hedged Strategy Losses in one area offset by gains in another VW in US, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, China Flexible Strategy,International Issues,18,Flexibility Strategies,Flexibility to take advantages of operational exposure Requires a flexible supply chain multiple suppliers flexible facilities excess capacity various distribution channels,International Issues,19,Problem of Flexibility Strategies Can be expensive to implement,coordination mechanisms capital investments loss of economies of scale,International Issues,20,Approaches to Implement Flexible Strategies effectively,Production/sourcing shifts Information sharing global coordination political leverage,International Issues,21,global coordination案例,當Michelin計畫進入北美市場時,Goodyear在歐洲調降其輪胎售價,此行動迫使Michelin減緩其海外投資計畫,International Issues,22,Requirements for global strategy implementation five basic functions of firms1,產品開發 Design products that can be modified easily for major markets. 例如,可負載110240 V電壓的電熱爐 採購 Ensure that the quality and delivery options from various suppliers are compatible Compare the pricing of various suppliers Sufficient suppliers in different regions are at hand,Internation
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