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牛津小学英语 6AUnit 3 It was there!第二课时(Part B , C and D) 一 教学目标和要求:1、在第一课时的基础上进一步复习和巩固Part B的单词及词组:a mobile phone, a CD walkman, a diary, a roll of film, a pair of glasses, earphones.2、能根据图片内容选择适当的介词:next to, in front of, on , in , between, under等。3、能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型:Where are your?They are + 介词短语。They arent there now.They were there a moment ago.4、 能在理解be动词was的基础上,意识到were是was的复数形式, 两者都是过去式。二 教学重点和难点:1、四会单词和句型复数形式的掌握。2、对were 的正确理解和使用。三课前准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件等。四教学过程:Step 1 : Review the words of Part B1 .Play a guessing game:T: Today we are going directly to the words weve learnt yesterday. First I will check your memory. On the screen you can only see the initial letters of these words, so please try to figure out correctly what the words are respectively .在页面上分别写着“ m, e, c, p, d, r”, 它们都是第一课时新授单词的首字母。正确的答案应该是mobile phone, earphones, CD walkman, a pair of glasses, diary and a roll of film.T should encourage all the students to speak out each word. If time is permitted, Ss should be allowed to spell the words.2. Follow and say.教师手中拿着六张打乱顺序的单词卡片,让学生一齐跟读。但要求是如果教师说的单词和图片一致就跟读,若不一致,就不发出任何声音,保持安静。谁违反了这一规定即淘汰。T: Now you have gone through these words quickly, so it is time for us to make a competition. Here are some word cards. You should follow me to read them, if it is right. When it is wrong, you should keep quiet. Step 2 : Presentation :1. Help Ss be aware of the differences when the subject is changed from singular form to plural form.T: Look at the screen. This is my friend, can you tell me what is in his hand.S: There is a pair of glasses in his hand.T: yes, youre right. It is a pair of glasses. But where is it ?S: It is in his hand.T: Oh, yes, its in his hand。教师应出示板书Where is the pair of glasses ? Its in his hand在黑板上,并带领学生齐读。T: Now Id like to make a tiny change on the sentence, please tell me whether it is same with the previous one. Look, I dont like the expression like” a pair of glasses”, it is too long. Let me make it shorter. Just glasses.So can I say “ where is glasses? Its in his hand”?教师将问题引出,鼓励孩子思考,得出正确的答案,把is 改为are,把it is改为They are. 并让学生告诉教师作出改动的理由是什么,让学生意识到a pair of glasses是单数形式,而glasses是复数形式。两者不同。教师在刚才板书的下面出示Where are the glasses? Theyre in his hand.2. PracticeT: So lets go on choosing the correct answers for your friend Su Hai . Where are Su Hais earphones? And where are her CDs? Please listen to the tape, and tick the correct answers.Ss should listen to the conversation carefully. After that, Ss can make the complete response to each question.3. Introduce the word “were”T: Lets move back to the first picture. So from the picture, you know that the glasses are in my friends hand. In fact, they arent there now. Look, theyre on the teachers desk.T: So we can see two different places, one is “in my friends hand”, the other is “ on the teachers desk”. How can we put these two different places in one sentence like “ The glasses now, but they a moment ago”? Anyone would like to try?S: The glasses are on the teachers desk now, but they were in your friends hand a moment ago.1) T: Teach the word “ were”.2) Have several students repeat the whole sentence.Step 3: Practice1. Dialogue between T and Ss:T: What are they? S: They are earphones. T: From the picture, where are the earphones? S: They are next to the mobile phone. T: Are they next to the mobile phone now? S: No, they arent. They are in front of the bag. T: Who can imitate the pattern to make a new sentence? Ss: The earphones are in front of the bag, but they were next to the mobile phone a moment ago.2Discuss in pairs to finish Part C-the latter part.(Plural form) T: Lets deal with some pictures available on Page 34. Please discuss with your deskmates to finish these dialogues.3. Pick 12 pairs to give the report to the whole class.T: All right, discussion time is up. Now let me invite some of you to make up the conversation.Step 4: Consolidation1. Demand Ss to finish a blank-filling exercise on the sheet. T should give Ss some time to finish the exercise independently, then select students to share the answers with the whole class.T: Just now, some of you have given me the whole dialogue according to the pictures. Now I d like you to do a written assignment. The only requirement is to close your books.(1) Where _ your glasses?Theyre in the bag.They arent there now.They _ there a moment ago.(2) Where_ your earphones?_ next to the diaries.They arent there now.They _ there a moment ago.(3) Where _ your shoes?_ under the table.They _ there now.They _ there a moment _.(4) Where _ your magazines?_._ there now.They _ a _.(5) Where _ your flowers?_._
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