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,Lesson3 Lets play!,Do you know this?,heavy,light,head,night,Have a guess !,heavy or light ?,The ping-pong ball is .,The basketball is .,light,heavy,Are you ready to learn to play basketball?,Yes !,Can you ?,play ,throw the ball,catch the ball,hit the ball,throw,catch,hit - hitting sitting getting shopping swimming running,easy,difficult,can,cant,Let me try!,too , so,1.Can Danny catch or throw the basketball ?Why?,Listen and answer!,2.What can Danny throw?Why?,3. Can Danny play ping-pong?What happened?,ROLE TO READ,( )Li Ming is hitting the ball to Danny.,( )They are playing ping-pong. This is difficult to Danny .,( )Danny hits his head.,( ) Danny can hit the pig-pong to Jenny.,F,F,F,T,判断正误(T F),hand,- or -?,heavy,catch,difficult,learn,light,easy,teach,throw,Homework,Thanks,
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