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第二课时 Miss Li,Look at the picture.What do you see?(看图,你看到了什么?),I see,What colour is it?(它是什么颜色的?),Lets sing,Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow , Sing a rainbow now.,Colour song,Game (游戏) 你的眼睛有多亮? 请快速准确读出你看到的词语。,red,green,blue,orange,white,black,brown,yellow,pink,purple,white,indigo,red,green,blue,orange,white,black,brown,yellow,pink,purple,white,indigo,red,blue,brown,indigo,orange,yellow,purple,white,colour,blue,brown,indigo,orange,yellow,purple,white,colour,colour,colour,你认识自己的身体部位吗?试着读读吧! 1. knee(膝盖) 2. eye 3. leg 4.foot 5. hand 6.nose 7.mouth 8.arm 9.body 10.ear 11.head 12.eyes 13.ears 14.hands 15. hands 16.legs 17 .feet 18.shoulder(肩膀) 19.toes(脚趾),1. knee 2. eye 3. leg 4.foot 5. hand 6.nose 7.mouth 8.arm 9.body 10.ear,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,词图匹配,万圣节(Halloween)到了,孩子们装扮成各种动物去 要糖果,可是,女巫施了黑魔法,让孩子们扮演的动物的 某个身体部位褪色了。看看他们的那个身体部位褪色了?,nose,mouth and arms,body,1.Im Miss White. Colour my nose green.,2.Shhh,Im Mr Blue. Colour my mouth red and my arms blue.,3.Im Miss Red. Colour my body red.,他们的身体部位颜色不完整,请听音涂色。,原文再现,看图,你刚才给哪些身体部位图什么色了,请在方框内打“”。,用I see .来描述一下你看到的吧!,比如: 1.我看见了绿色的双腿。 I see green legs. 2 我看见了一个红色的头。 I see a red head.,show time 秀场时间,我看见了_色的_。 I see a _ _. I see _ _s.,Homework,1.读,说词语 red, yellow. 2. 家长听写,判,签字。错一个该10次 3.明天收。,Thank you !,
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