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Section B (3a-Self Check),Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Look at the pictures of Bobs school trip. Complete his diary entry.,3a,take a bus,take photos,buy gifts,1.Where did Bob go? Bob went to a zoo 2.How did he go there? He took a bus to go there 3.What did he see? He saw many animals 4.What did he do there? He took some photos and bought some gifts,Bob visited the zoo yesterday. He went there by bus. He saw a lot of animals at the zoo. He took many photos of animals. He also went to the shop and bought some gifts.He had a good time yesterday .,Practice,June 23rd,Yesterday my school visited the zoo. It was really_. We went there by bus. At the zoo, I saw a lot of_ and I took some photos. My classmates and I also went to the_ and bought some_. It was a great day.,interesting,animals,gift shop,gifts,Linda is Bobs classmate. Complete her diary entry.,June 23rd,My school went to the zoo yesterday. The trip was_. At the zoo, I _ _but I didnt like them. I also went to _with my classmates, but I didnt buy anything because _ _ .It was a boring day.,boring,saw many,the gift shop,they were too,expensive,3b,animals,My school went to the zoo yesterday. The trip was boring. At the zoo, I saw many animals but I didnt like them. I also went to the gift shop with my classmates, but I didnt buy anything because they are so expensive.It was a boring day.,说出作者对这次旅行的总体感受, 并从文中找出线索。,1.What was the date? 2.Where did you go? 3.How was the trip? 4.How did you go there? 5.What did you see?What did you do? 6.Did you like it?Did you have a good time?,观察3a和3b两篇日记,总结旅行日记应该包括的要点:,1. 本文为一则日记,故应为记叙文。 2. 人称为第一人称;时态应用一般过去时。 3. 首先要写明日期。 4. 然后,明确旅游地点和方式。 5. 接下来再写一路所见所感,以及自己所做的事。 6. 最后写对这次旅游的看法和评价。,写作指导,Now write a diary entry for your own school trip. Explain if you liked it or didnt like it and why.,3c,Yesterday I went to Beijing by train with my father.We visited the Great Wall. It was very beautiful. We saw many people here. I took lots of photos. I also bought gifts for my mother and my sister. It was a really great day. I enjoyed myself.,July 23rd,Yesterday we went on a school trip to a bicycle museum. My friend Bill liked it a lot. He really liked looking at the old bikes. But I did not enjoy the museum very much. I am not really interested in bicycles. I like computers more. Also, there were too many people at the museum, and they were very noisy. The museum restaurant was expensive, too. I hope we can go to a computer museum next year.,May 23rd,Self-Check,1 Write more verbs and their past forms in each group.,cooked,visited,learned,used,danced,practiced,worried,carried,planned,shopped,fed, took, bought, swam,2,Complete the conversatio with the correct Forms of the verbs in the box.,have do swim go be see feed,A:I went to the countryside this summer. B:Really?How_the trip? A:It_ great! B:What_ you _ there? A:I_ the chickens and _ in the river.,was,was,do,did,fed,swam,2,Complete the conversatio with the correct Forms of the verbs in the box.,have do swim go be see feed,A: _you_ a nice weekend? B:Yes,I did. A:_you_ anywhere? B:Yes,I_ to the mountains.The air_ so clean,and I_ a lot of flowers.,Did,have,Did,go,went,saw,was,I went to the countryside this summer.,Really?How was the trip?,It was great!,What did you do there?,I fed the chickens and swam in the river.,Lets practice.,Did you have a nice weekend?,Yes,I did.,Did you go anywhere?,Yes,I went to the mountains. The air was so clean,and I saw a lot of flowers.,My Family Trip 提示:1.Where did your family go? How did your family go there? 2.How was the trip? What did your family do there? 3.Explain if you like it or didnt like it and why.,Homework,Bye-bye!,
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