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英语写作考试试卷(二) 第 1 页北京化工大学 20092010 学年第一学期英语写作考试试卷(二)I. Error Correction (20 points)Directions: In each sentence, there is one mistake among the four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are supposed to identify and then correct them in your Answer Sheet.1. I was often a little tired after a days work and watch TV demands very little A B C D effort.2. It is not a good idea to go shopping on Sundays if the shops are very crowded. A B C D3. His business is so busy that he has very little time for anything.A B C D4. He pointed out that a considerable gap existing between the number of hours A B paid for working and the number of hours spent in productive labor.C D5. Playing video games, hang around and having fun with their friends make A B C D them happy.6. During the 1980s culture wars, school systems across the country pulled A Bsome books from library shelves because its content was deemed to be C D inappropriate.7. All of the fishes now kept in the aquarium were caught from the ocean depth A B Cnever reach before.D英语写作考试试卷(二) 第 2 页8. We discovered that some of us could at least sing out aloud that we could not A B C talk about. D9. What I was surprised at was not what he said, but in the way he said it. A B C D10. The fact that mothers in some species of animals reaction immediately if they A B Care missing one or more of their litter demonstrates a sense of number.DII. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese: (20 POINTS )1If contracting parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (联合国气候变化公约) fail to reach any climate agreement in Copenhagen in December 2009, the global energy sector will expend an additional US$ 500 billion annually to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. 2The International Energy Agency (IEA) pointed out in a report that the energy sector should play a key role in addressing the issue of climate change since it contributes to 65 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. 3At present we must force energy-related carbon dioxide emissions down to a pace that would ultimately stabilize the concentrations of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at 450 parts per million (ppm). 4Although sufficient financial support is needed to adjust the energy structure, it will be a sound investment because benefits brought by saving energy, decreasing fuel imports, improving air quality and thus avoiding extreme climate change will offset this extra cost.英语写作考试试卷(二) 第 3 页III. Translate the following sentences into English according to the instructions given in the brackets: (20 POINTS)1. 由于近年来增加了植树造林,一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。 (simple sentence 简单句)2. 进而言之,医患之间应该有足够的交流,这不仅有利于治疗,而且还能缓解紧张关系。 (which-clause)3. 如果他再犯完全一样的错误,就会被撤职。 (adverbial clause 状语从句)4. 神舟六号飞船经过 5 天太空旅行后安全返回地球,极大地鼓舞了全中国人的士气,激发了爱国热情。(nonfinite verb 非谓语形式)5. 发电机不能产生能量,它只是把机械能转变为电能。 (what-clause)IV. Write an essay on the following topic with no less than 200 words: (40 POINTS)Should We Eliminate College Thesis?提示:2007 年,华中师范大学涂艳国教授提出“与其滥竽充数,东拼西凑,不如取消本科毕业论文” 。对此,中国青年报曾经做过调查。结果显示,71.3的人认为本科毕业生对毕业论文不重视,42.5的人认为本科毕业论文应该取消。请你做出分析和判断:本科毕业论文是取消还是保留? 英语写作考试试卷(二) 第 4 页答案1. 非限定动词 C- watching2. 连词 C-because)3. 不定代词后置修饰语 D- anything else4. 破句 B exists5. 平行结构 B hanging around6. 代词指代一致 Ctheir content7. 非限定动词 Dreached8. 从句的连词 Cwhat9. 连词 D 去掉 in10. 词性错误 Breact II. 如果联合国气候变化公约的各缔约方不能在 2009 年 12 月哥本哈根的大会上达成一个气候协议,全球能源行业到 2030 年以前每年将需要多花 5 千亿美元来减少温室气体排放。国际能源署(IEA)在一份报告中指出,能源行业的温室气体排放占到了全世界的 65,因此必须在解决气候变化问题中扮演核心角色。我们必须迫使和能源相关的二氧化碳排放减少,使大气中温室气体的浓度最终稳定在百万分之450(450ppm)。虽然需要足够的财政支撑以调整能源结构,但是这笔投资会是一个明智的投资,因为节约能源、减少燃料进口、改善空气质量,因而避免极端气候变化所带来的实惠将抵消这笔额外的支出。III. 1. Thanks to the expansion of woods, quite a few rare birds come to (settle down in) some places these years. The expansion of woods in some places attracted quite a few rare birds these years. 简单句2. Whats more, its necessary to have adequate communications between doctors and patients, which could not only facilitate the treatments but also relieve the tension. ( which-clause)3. Should he make exactly the same mistake again, he will be removed from his position. (状语从句)4. After 5-day space flight/ travel, Shenzhou VI safely returned to the earth, greatly/ tremendously inspiring the Chinese nations morale and stimulating their patriotic enthusiasm. (non-finite verb 非谓语形式)5. A 英语写作考试试卷(二) 第 5 页generator cannot produce energy; what it does is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. (what-clause)
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