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第四节 历史典故和寓言故事在英语语言文化中的体现一、希腊罗马神话典故在英语语言文化中的体现Trojan horse 特洛伊木马,比喻暗藏的敌人或危险between Scylla and Charybdis 进退维谷,左右为难a Greek gift 危险的礼物、糖衣炮弹 an apple of discord 斗争之源,不和之因,祸根 the heel of Achilles 阿基里斯的脚后跟 the Trojan horse 特洛伊人的木马 Odyssey 奥德赛(漫长而艰难的经历)He is always buying you expensive clothes,Im afraid they are Greek gifts for you.Its Greek to me A Gordian knot (Gordius 公元前四世纪小亚细亚地区的一个国的王 ) 戈耳迪之结(难解的结,难题 )Jean is afraid of everything. How can she cut the Gordian knot in her work?swan song All the tickets have been sold for the singers performance in London this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.The Tempest was W. Shakespeares swan song in 1612.under the rose: in secret; privately The senator told me under the rose that there is to be a chance in the cabinet. 二、源于历史发展的典故在英语语言文化中的体现(一) 、罗马人征服(Roman Britain)对英语语言文化的影响(55BC-410AD)Do in Rome as the Romans do. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马、殊途同归Great Caesar! 天哪! burn ones boat 破釜沉舟、背水一战 I came, I saw, I conquered. 亲临,目睹,全胜carry coals to Newcastle 把煤送到纽卡斯尔(二) 、条顿人征服( Teutonic Conquest)对英语语言文化的影响(445-871)cut someone to the quick 大伤某人的感情go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火(三) 、诺曼底人征服(the Norman Conquest)对英语语言文化的影响(1066-1381)take French leave 不辞而别、溜之大吉take heart 鼓起勇气return to ones muttons 言归正传He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁得最好。(四) 、北美殖民地的独立对英语语言的影响OK三、源自圣经的典故与英语语言文化bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh 常用来比喻血缘上的亲属关系或思想上的团结一致 The trade union was bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the workers. 该工会与工人是血肉相连的。Adams apple the apple of ones eye the salt of the earth 社会中坚;民族精华;优秀份子 An honest, hard-working man is the salt of the earth.诚实而勤劳的人才是社会的中坚分子。She read them Shakespeare,but it was casting pearls before swine .Noahs ark 诺亚方舟(避难所)四、源自伊索寓言 (the Fables of Aesop)cry wolf , a wolf in sheeps clothing sour grapes 吃不到葡萄反说葡萄酸kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵 blow hot and cold 优柔寡断、动摇不定 lions share 最大的份额to meet Waterloo 倒霉,受毁灭性打击,灭顶之灾Quixote 唐吉可德(充满了幻想的理想主义者)Gatsby 盖茨比(个人奋斗由穷变富的暴发户)Many took to gambling and borrowing from Shylocks to pay their debts.许多人沉湎于赌博,他们债台高筑,不得不向高利贷者借钱还债。Smith often Uncle Tommed his boss.史密斯常对老板阿谀奉承。汉语成语典故的翻译1.从古以来,只有“杞人忧天” ,就是那个河南人怕天塌下来。(毛泽东选集 )From time immemorial no one but the man of Chi worried lest the sky fall, meaning that only one man from Henan was afraid it might happen.2.嘴里天天说“唤起民众” ,民众起来了又害怕的要死,这和叶公好龙有什么两样。(毛泽东选集 )To talk about arousing the masses of people day in and day out and then to be scared to death when the masses do rise-what difference is there between this and Lord Yes love of dragon?3. .嘴上还咯咯地笑着说:“这叫画饼充饥。 ”(梁斌红旗谱 )Now he chuckled and commented: Thats called Drawing cake to satisfy your hunger.第四章 地域文化与翻译第一节 方位及其相应物的翻译从南到北 from north to south 北屋 a room with a southern exposure南北朝 the Nothern and Southern Dynasties 南北对话 North-south dialogue第二节 “东风” 、 “西风”翻译的争论第三节 动物的文化意义一、中国的龙文化与西方的 dragonWe were real frightened of the math teacher, She was a real dragon.我们的确害怕数学老师,她真是一个凶狠的脾气很坏的老太婆。“龙”的英译1.直译+注释龙飞凤舞 like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing-lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy 龙潭虎穴 a dragons pool and a tigers den-a dangerous spot2.意译或转换喻体望子成龙 to hopre that ones son will become somebody 老态龙钟 senile; doddering二、凤凰与 phoenix“凤凰”与 phoenix 的不同文化含义:凤凰是中国的古代传说中的鸟王,是高贵的象征;在西方文化中,phoenix 是“长生不死”的象征。三、龟与 turtle龟在中国的人的心目中是吉祥、长寿的象征,也是一个耻辱的象征。turtle 在西方没有什么特别的象征意义,西方人认为龟是爬行动物。 “慢”是龟的自然特性。四、老虎 tiger 与狮子 lion在中国的人的心目中老虎体魄雄健,性格勇猛,故其形象为民间避邪驱灾和吉祥物的象征。在西方童话故事中,狮子被尊为兽中之王。狮子的形象是勇敢、威严的象征。故英语中用 lion 比喻强大有力,人们尊敬或害怕的人或国的家。通过比较可知汉语“老虎”和英语“lion”的象征意义基本一致。bold as a lion 像狮子般勇猛majestic as a lion 像狮子般威风凛凛 come in like a lion and go out like a lamb 虎头蛇尾五、狗 dog在中国的, “狗”被人认为诗令人厌恶的东西,象征卑劣可恶的品性。汉文化中带“狗”的词语几乎都含有贬义。在西方,dog 被看做心爱的东西和人类最忠实的朋友。但是,dog 也有贬义的额一面。如:a dead dog(没用的东西,废物); a sad dog(放荡的人,易闯祸的人) 。另外,dog 有时是一个中性词,如:Every dog has its day. (凡人都有得意日。 )dog eat dog 是狗咬狗吗?(1)Advertising is a dog-eat-dog business.广告业是一个竞争十分激烈的行业。(2)During the California gold rush, man had a dog-eat-dog life.在加州淘金热时期,人们生活在激烈的竞争中。(1) a dog in a blanket 葡萄卷饼,卷布丁(2) a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 (3) He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.欲加之罪,何患无辞。(4)Dont wake a sleeping dog.莫惹是生非。 (5)这篇文章狗屁不通。This article is mere trash.(6)狗拿耗子,多管闲事 poke ones nose into other peoples business.第四节 植物的文化蕴含一、松树 pine 与橡树 oak松树是一种四季长青的树,以其坚忍不拔、傲霜斗雪的品格,为历代画家所喜爱。文人墨客常常借松树的品格咏物言志,抒发情感。在我国的传统文化中,松竹梅并称为“岁寒三友” 。由于松树树龄可达千余年,历代均以之象征长寿。在英语中,pine 并没有汉语文化中的象征意义。它被作为圣诞树是因为松树是四季常青的,这常青的树就象征了信仰基督的基督徒被赋予的永恒生命。尖尖的树梢指向天国的。点缀在树顶的星星代表着指引智者到伯利恒寻访耶酥的那颗特殊的星。橡树是一种落叶树,生长在英美等国的家。橡树树龄通常达 200-400 年,常长成繁茂的巨树,因此被称为“森林之王” (the monarch of the forest) ,成为刚健的象征。a heart of oak刚强勇敢的人,果断的人二、竹 bamboo竹子有“节” ,人们喜欢用竹子有节来比喻人有气节。竹子空心,即虚心,谦虚自抑,虚怀若谷。这是我们民族所崇尚的一种美德。bamboo 在西方文化中并没有什么特别含义,仅是一种植物而已。由于竹子在英国的比较罕见,一般的英美人对竹子的生长了解甚少。胸有成竹have a well-thought-out plan雨后春笋spring up like mushroom三、梅 plum四、菊(chrysanthemum) 文化与翻译古人将梅、兰、竹、菊合称为花中“四君子” ,赋予它们很深的文化内涵:梅花独步早春,不染世尘;兰花清心似水,高雅脱俗;青竹挺拔刚健,有节
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