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广州版六年级英语下册,Unit 13 The 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou,Unit 13 Work with Language,Jumping shooting go skiing, all the athletes are good-looking. Diving swimming weight-lifting, I think they are not boring. Running skipping go boating, I think they are interesting. Boxing skating cycling, Let me join the sports meeting.,Lets chant,football,kung fu,swimming,tennis,table tennis,badminton,basketball,volleyball,diving,Weight-lifting,gymnatics,cycling,I wish I could be the superman.,I wish I could fly in the sky.,I hope I can be a runner.,I hope I can win the race.,I hope I can be a runner.,I hope I can win the race.,I wish I could be the superman.,I wish I could fly in the sky.,谢杏芳 Xie Xingfang,卢琳 Lu lin,易建联 Yi Jianlian,I hope I can .,I wish I could .,I hope I have a bike,Lets chant,I hope I can ride it where I like.,I wish I could fly.,I wish I could fly high in the sky.,Guangzhou people think taking exercise is very important. Many people, old and young ,often play sport . In the morning we can see many people doing morning exercises and doing taiji in the park . Many people in Guangzhou like to swim, play table tennis, badminton, basketball or football after work or on their holidays. Everybody has their own favorite sport or exercise . old people like taiji, middle-aged people like table tennis and young people like badminton, basketball or football.,Lots of sports fields and gyms are open for people and people can also play sports in many of the schools. The government is going to build more and more sports grounds and gyms. Guangzhou people like to spend money and time on sports. In schools P.E. lessons are important. Students have two or three P.E. lessons every week. After school students like to play sports. Lots of talented athletes from Guangzhou won gold medals at national and international sport games.,Many sports meetings are held in Guangzhou during the year. The Sixth and Ninth National Games were two of them .The Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou in 2010. The people and the government of Guangzhou will try their best to make the Asian Games wholesome, exciting , green and clean. Now all the people in Guangzhou are looking forward to the Games.,1. Say the statements are true(T) or false(F).,1)Many citizens of Guangzhou like sports.,2)People in Guangzhou can play sports in some of the schools.,3)P.E. is an important subject in school.,4)There arent any famous athletes from Guangzhou.,5)The Asian Games are going to be held in Guangzhou in 2008.,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),T,T,T,F,F,2. Guess the meaning of the words, then choose the right answer.,1)government ( ),A. 组织,B. 政府,C. 部门,A.天才的,2)talented ( ),B.聪明的,C.友善的,3)wholesome ( ),A.吵杂的,B.拥挤的,C.卫生的,B,A,C,3. Answer the questions.,1)Do you often play sports? Which sports do you like best?,2)Do your parents like sports? What do they like doing when they have time?,I hope/dont hope I can ,I wish/dont wish I could ,get 100 mark every time,go to a good middle school,travel all over the world,be a pig,be a stupid man,be a fairy,be a handsome man,be a beautiful girl,and so on,every Chinese athletes can win the gold medals,Homework,1.结合课堂的练习用6-8句话写出自己未来的愿望。,2.完成活动手册的练习EX.4和练习EX.6,Thank you!,
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