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How Much Are They?,Unit 4 Lesson 23,河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Review,A: What would you like? B: Id like A: How much ? B: yuan. A: Ill take , please. B: Ok. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: Youre welcome.,Work in pairs,河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,New sentence,购物 shopping,大家都自己去购物 (shopping)过吗? 说一说什么是最重要的? money 钱 价格,想一想,你是怎样询问价格的? How much money How many money,How much for ? How much is/are ? 多少钱? 想一想:为什么会有is和are两个用法呢?,New sentence,is和are的区别:,is +不可数名词/可数名词单数; How much is the milk? How much for the milk? How much is the book? are +可数名词的复数形式; How much are /(for) the two books?,New sentence,Practice,翻译下列句子。 这一根铅笔多少钱? 2. 这两根铅笔多少钱? 3. 这些橘子多少钱?,How much is this pencil?,How much are the oranges?,How much are the two pencils?,假如现在你在商场里,你怎样和售货员开始交谈呢? Do you have any .? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Yes, I have some./ No, I dont have any.,New sentence,New sentence,shopping的时候通常我们都会很讲礼貌的。 经常用到: Hello./Good morning. please 请或请问,表示客气。 Thank you.或Thanks.表示谢谢。 You are welcome.表示不用谢,不客气。,提示:,Dialogue,Liming : Hello, do you have any apples? Waiter(售货员):Yes, I do. Liming: How much are they? W: Two yuan. Liming: I will take two, please.,Jenny: How much are the oranges? W: One yuan. Jenny: I will take three, please. Liming: Thank you./ Thanks. W: You are welcome.,How much is a hot dog?,Six yuan.,I will take three, please!,Lets act!,How much are the oranges?,Two yuan.,I will take seven, please!,Letters and Sounds,c,y,/s/,/k/,/j/,/ai/,Letters and sounds,字母c一般有两种发音:/s/和/k/,1、第一种发音/s/:出现在元音字母e, i, y前的读音。,例词:e 前:center 中心,nice 美好的 i 前:circle 圆,city 城市 y 前:cycle 自行车,adequacy 足够,发音要领:舌前端抬起,靠近齿龈,但不要贴住,发音时气流由舌端与齿龈之间的窄缝中泄出并伴有嘶嘶声。,Letters and sounds,(1)出现在元音字母a, o, u前的读音。,例词:a 前:cake 蛋糕,car 汽车 o 前:come 来,cold 冷的 u 前:cube 立方,Cuba 古巴,2、第二种发音/k/,Letters and sounds,(2)出现在辅音字母前。,例词:club 俱乐部,crab 螃蟹,(3)出现在词尾。,例词:atmotic 原子的,acadamic 理论的,发音要领:舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,憋住气,然后舌后部迅速降低,使气流冲出口腔,发音时,声带不震动。,Letters and sounds,字母y一般有两种发音:/j/和/ai/,1、第一种发音/j/:此时字母y一般位于单词开头。,例词:yes 是,yard 院子,发音要领:舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,不要抵住硬腭,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形,同时声带需震动。,Letters and Sounds,2、第二种发音/ai/:此时字母y一般位于单词末尾。,例词:why 为什么,dry 干的,发音要领:先发/a/的音,然后慢慢滑向/i/,发音时,双唇张开,结束时,颚部慢慢抬起,嘴唇慢慢合上,同时可以感觉到舌部肌肉放松。,Lets do it!,Fill in the blanks with “is” or “are”.,How much _ a hot dog? 2. How much _ the eggs? 3. How much _ the oranges? 4. How much _ an ice cream? 5. How much _ a hamburger? 6. How much _ the grapes?,is,are,are,is,is,are,Homework,1、熟记本节课所学句型和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。 2、使用本课所学句型,与小伙伴模仿去超市买东西的情景,并记录下来。,
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