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,to,our,class !,今天是个非常令人激动的日子,我和表兄一起参加了一个电视竞赛节目 在节目中,我们要合作回答各种关于体育知识的问题,节目开始钱,我感到很紧张,但是我和表兄好好的做了准备,我们正确的回答了大部分问题,最后,我们获得最高分。赢得了比赛 我的家人都很高兴,Revision,Unit 4 A charity show,By Chen Shimei,2,3,4,5,Task One,Task Two,Task Three,Task Four,Task Five,Task One,Words was founded B. has taken place; was founded C. have been taken place; founded D. took place; founded,A,链接中考,(2),( )3. Dont worry. Your package _ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here. (2011 安徽) A. will keep B. has kept C. will be kept D. has been kept,C,链接中考,(2),3,4,5,Task Three,Task Four,Task Five,Task Four,Talking about charity,What do they want to do most? (1) What can we do for them? (1),fund-raising(资金募捐) activities,Lets join them!,Spring Bud Project,Project Green Hope,Save Chinas Tigers,Project Hope,(4),Project Hope helps_ _.,schools and,students in poor areas,Save Chinas tigers protects _.,tigers and other big cats in China,Spring Bud Project helps _.,poor young girls return to school,Project Green Hope helps _.,protect rivers and lakes in China,Whats the,purpose of each charity?,(4),Discussion,What other ways can we use to help others?,(2),Try to offer first. Donate money or things . Call 110 or 120 when necessary. To write to people in need and make friends with them. To work as a volunteer for the charity. 6. To encourage more people to focus on charity on QQ or Blogs. 7. ,Ways of helping others,A: Do you know Project Hope? I want to join it. B: Yes. It helps schools and students in poor areas. A: You are right. Shall we do something for Project Hope? B: Sounds great. Why dont we sell books to raise money? A: Its a good idea. We can also write letters to the children. B: Great! Lets join it together.,Lets help them.,(4),Write a composition,八年级8班的学生上周三在学校举行一个慈善义演,请你帮助班长写一个发言稿来介绍此次活动. 要点如下: 1、名称为“Sunshine for All”。 2、地点在操场上,从上午8:00到10:00 3、目的是为希望工程募集钱,希望募集钱帮助孩子们返校园,票价每人10元。 4、本次活动得到了本地企业的大力支持,并向帮助和支持我们这次演出的老师表示感谢。 5、-。,(5),Hello, everyone. Im the monitor of Class 8,Grade 8. We held a charity show called Sunshine for All last Wednesday at school. The show was held in the playground. It started at 8:00 a.m. and finished at 10:00a.m. We organized the show to raise money for Project Hope. We wanted to donate money to help children return to school. The tickets were10 yuan each. The charity show was a big success. We got a lot of support from local businesses. I think we should thank our friends and teachers for their help and support. I hope we can organize more charity shows like this to help children in poor areas.,An example,5,Task Five,Task Five,Practice makes perfect!,A,B,C,D,E,根据中文提示,英文解释和句意写出单词 (5),1. Can you _ yourself to us? Yes. My name is Daniel. 2. The _ (the people who come to watch a show at a theatre) were very excited when they saw their favorite singers. 3. You must keep _ (quiet) when we are having a meeting. 4. Look ! There is a coat _ (挂) behind the door in the shop. 5. Look,our teacher is standing _(在中间) the students.,introduce,audience,silent,hanging,among,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 (5) 1. Most _ letters are written in English. 2. Project Hope is an _ that helps children go to school. 3. There are many _ in todays newspapers . 4. One of the _of a secretary(秘书)is typing papers. 5. My grandmother had little _ when she was young.,business,advertise duty busy educate organize,organization,advertisements,duties,education,用所选动词的适当时态填空 (5) 1. Lucy _Japanese in that school for ten months last year. 2.The students _ their hands again. How wonderful the performance is!. 3. The teacher told us the sun _ in the east . 4. Has he told you that he _ me when he comes back? 5. The teacher is pleased with the student because his homework _.,learned,are clapping,rises,will phone,has been finished,clap learn phone finish rise,句型转换 (3) 1. His secret has been known by his mother. (改为主动语态) His mother _ _his secret. 2. The children will sing an English song. (改为被动语态) An English song _ _ _ by the children. 3. We should listen to the teacher carefully. (改为被动语态) The teacher _ _ _ _ carefully by us.,has,known,will,be,sung,should,be,listened,to,( ) 1. He seems _ today because he has passed the exam. A .to happy B. be unhappy C. happy D. happily ( ) 2. A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. gives D. will be given ( ) 3. So far, the moon _ by man already. A. is visited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. was visited,C,D,C,单项选择 (3),Which group has the most points? Congratulations. Now, the treasure box is yours.,Competition,Charity is not just the richs
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