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,What Culture Is,Cultural artifacts and manifestations Culture is visible all around the organisation in many artifacts and manifestations, such as performance standards, icons, myths and stories, rituals, traditions, the language people adopt, and the way relationships are encouraged to develop.,ValuesBeliefs,Climate Norms Symbols Philosophy,The core or essence of culture Its underpinnings Values and beliefs are the deeply seated underpinnings that influence individual and organisational behaviour every day. For example: They influence the way people are rewarded (collectively/individually/both) or the way they are encouraged to ask permission before taking risks,Source: The Paradox Principles, The PwC Change Integration Team, 1996.,What Culture Is,Culture is the combination of the values and beliefs that provide direction and energy to what people do each day,Leadershipactions Performancemeasures People practices Vision, purpose, and strategy Structure Competitivecontext,Climate Norms Symbols Philosophy Values Beliefs,Behaviours Decisions,PERFORMANCE,Shapers Creation, reflection, reinforcement of culture,Manifestations Content and manifestations of culture,Impact Impact on organisational interactions,Results Effect on business results,Source: The Paradox Principles, The PwC Change Integration Team, Irwin, 1996.,What Culture Is,The effect of culture on competitive performance builds in layers,What Culture Is,Culture and values need to be seen in the context of the whole organisation and its business system,Mission/Vision/ Business Objectives,Organizational purpose Long-term objectives,Multiple-year goals Communications; Managerial style; Executive development; Conflict resolution; Decision making Performance measurement systems; Choice of measures; Balance of Measures; Nature of Measures, Measurement of individual vs team goals; short vs long-term orientation; supportive of strategic direction vs counter to strategic direction Compensation/benefits systems; Recruitment; Training; Competency mapping; Learning programmes; Succession planning; Firing people; Commitment to employees life outside work Vision/Mission statements; Ownership of strategic planning process; Budgeting Organisation design principles (Encouraging Collaboration? Functionally orientated? Control orientated?) Harnessing internal competitiveness; proactivity in observing and reacting to external factors (Competitors, Markets, Regulatory environment); breadth of external focus (1 country or global?),Shapers of Culture,Leadership actions Performance Measures People practices Vision, Purpose & Strategy Structure Competitive Context,MODEL M2: SHAPERS OF CULTURE,Principles or qualities considered worthwhile such as client service or product innovation, openness or collegiality. Can attach to any element of a business model: customers, employees, shareholders, products, service levels, and the like. Tend to persist over time. Hypotheses, assumptions, and business model the organisation holds to be true, ie what is best for the business and how best to act. Exercise a tremendous, sometimes unseen influence on decisions. Feeling or atmosphere, noticeable in the physical layout of work spaces and how employees interact with each other, with customers, and with other outsiders. Whats it like to work here? Is it a formal or informal organisation? Do people worry about who should receive an e-mail message, or do they copy as many people as they believe will be interested or helpful? Do people raise or avoid issues? Standards and rules that evolve such as how hard people work, when they come to work, and when they leave. Embrace matters at all levels, from dress code and attitudes toward weekend work to whether or not a slow-growth strategy is acceptable. Norms, often unwritten, reflect how decisive managers and employees are. They reflect how inclusive or exclusive people are in making decisions and doing their jobs. Icons, stories, rituals, and traditions that embody strong messages about what is important. Can include events, celebrations, and recognitions of individuals and teams. Symbols can also include corporate regalia available only to the chosen, and more general indicators of the hierarchy. Stated policies and ideologies that guide actions in relation to shareholders, employees and customers. Exist in key internal documents and can be epitomised by the HP Way at Hewlett Packard.,Manifestations of Culture,Values Beliefs Climate Norms Symbols Philosophy,MODEL M2: MANIFESTATIONS,MODEL M5:Evaluation,10,M5.1: A COMBINATION OF DATA GATHERING APPROACHES WILL BE NECESSARY,Inferential,Qualitative,Quantitative,Statistical Validity,Easily accessible Low cost Least time required Validates and adds depth to quantitative data Supports qualitative and quantitative,Builds consensus Builds relationships between project team members within the organisation Validates and provides depth to quantitative and inferential data,Stat
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