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,1 is your schoolbag? Its on the bed. 2 is your music teacher? Ms.Gao. 3 is your telephone number? 6378219.,一、根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的疑问词填空。,Where,Who,What,4 do you spell “key”? KEY. 5 is your school trip? Its on July 15th. 6 do you like Chinese history? Because its interesting.,How,When,Why,二、翻译下列句子。,7你的地理课是什么时候? ? 8玛丽最喜欢的课程是英语。 . 9谁是你的地理老师? ? 10我周一和周五去学校图书室。 .,When is your geography class,Marys favorite subject is English,Who is your geography teacher,I go to school library on Monday and Friday,一、单项选择。(55分25分),1_ is your daughter?Fifteen. AWhenBHow oldCHow 2_ is the man over there? Oh,hes my PE. teacher,Mr. Li.,B,C,AWhen BWhy CWho 3_ does he like music? Because its relaxing. AWhat BWhy CWho 4_ subjects do you have? We have English,math,Chinese, art and music. AWhat BWhen CWhere 5_ do you have science class? At 2:15. AWhat BWhen CWhere,B,A,B,二、对画线部分提问。(77分49分),6Zhang_Jike is my favorite sports star. your favorite sports star? 7. The school trip is on_Monday the school trip? 8Her favorite subject is art. her favorite subject? 9I like history because its interesting.,What is,Who is,When is,like history? 10My QQ number is 706470047. QQ number? 11A notebook and a pencil box are in her schoolbag. in her schoolbag? 12Their grandparents are fine their grandparents?,What is,Whats your,Why do you,How are,三、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(55.2分26分),A:Ha,its Friday today. Im so happy. B:13._ A:Well,I have English,math,Chinese,science,geography and art. B:14._ A:Yes,it is. Science is difficult but interesting. B:15._ A:Mrs. Liu.She is great fun.,E,B,F,B:Haha!16._ She is our science teacher,too. A:Really?Then do you like science,too? B:No. I like Mrs. Liu,but I dont like science. A:17._ B:I like history. Its useful and interesting. A:Yes. I like history,too.,C,A,AWhat subject do you like? BScience is your favorite subject,right? CThats for sure. DWhy do you like history? EWhat subjects do you have on Friday? FWho is your science teacher? GWhats your favorite day?,
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