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採購流程電子化,儀器設備代理業Value Chain介紹,Key Process Identification,Pre-Process,Post-Process,External Controlled,Internal Controlled,External Controlled,Main Process,Main Process,Internal Controlled,External Controlled,Organization,目標,採購流程整合 提高採購效果 提高採購效率 無紙化作業,流程整合,主業務流程,簡化後流程,流程簡化,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,流程規劃,Stage Main Flow Control Points System Requests,Filling PR,1. Name, Dept name & code of Applicant 2. Date of application 3. Type of purchase - Overseas Purchase Stock order Local order Indent order - Domestic Purchase - General Affair Purchase Fixed Asset-computer related Fixed Asset-Not computer related Not Fixed Asset - Business Related Purchase Charge order Non-charge order SVC Self-purchase 4. C/E name and other information of goods 5. If , estimated $ is required, suggested vendor is preferred. 6. Purpose of purchase 7. Attachment (order package) submitted separately 8. If a top urgent domestic case, applicant can send one particular copy of PR to Purchaser immediately for pre-survey for the vendor 9. If a SVC emergency case, SVC can purchase by itself then fill PR with reason and invoice. 10. PR forms can be combined to unique or remained separated,1. If any required data is missed, PR wont be submitted 2. Selectable items of “type of purchase” 3. After submitted, this case should be visible tracing on monitor 4. Responsible person of each stage can write down his/her comments on PR 5. Any necessary vocal negotiation or communication is not considerable on Main Flow 6. If responsible person is off duty or on an overseas trip, then PR should go to his/her backup for approval/handle 7. Auto alert signal for over due cases should be shown on applicants monitor 8. Urgent degree is selectable and limitation period of time can be changed accordingly 9. The particular PR copy of top urgent case can be submitted immediately with a special note “ for vendor survey only” 10. Any kind of computer file can be submitted as the attached file of PR 11. Either Oracle or past purchase data can be searched by dept. 12. Rejected PR can be used for revising,採購流程電子化概念圖,廠商比較,預期效益分析(一),經濟效益 節省紙張 6*3000*0.65=11700元/年 減少三次key-in 15*3*3000/60*230=517500元/年 減少兩次review/check 5*2*3000/60*340=170000元/年 其他:如降低錯誤率節省除錯時間,時間效益 改善前 /改善後 請購主管核准會簽採購 請款主管核准會計,預期效益分析(二),其他效益 案件不致遺失 便於資料收集與統計分析 不須人力跟催 防弊/防錯 符合客戶期望,達成客戶滿意,預期效益分析(三),敬 請 指 教,
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