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Module 6 Unit 1Youve got a letter from New York.,chant他她它用has,连接got变拥有。He has got ,She has got,It has got,要永记。其他主语用have,形式都成have got。I have got , We have got ,You have got , They have got,I have got a I havent got a She/He has got a She/He hasnt got a ,Have you got? Yes, I have. No, I havent. Has she/he got? Yes, she/he has. No, she/he hasnt.,No, it isnt.,Listen and answer.,The letter is from New York.,1.Where is the letter from?,2. Is the letter from Daming?,Youve got a letter from New York ,but its not from Daming.,Listen and answer:,1、Who sent the letter to Sam and Amy?,Laura sent the letter to Sam and Amy.,2、 Where is Laura from?,She is from London in the UK.,3、What has Daming got?,He has got a Chinese dragon kite.,She lives in New York , but she is not American.,4. Where does Laura live ? Is she American ?,5. Does Laura want to visit China ?,Yes , she wants to visit China next year .,often,soon,world,want,kite,Who is the winner?,write,difficult,park,live,visit,Chinese,send,letter,British,says,next year,American,friend,选词填空: have got has got He a new bike. I a postcard from Canada. Daming a Chinese kite. We lots of friends. Amy and Daming computers. you a football ? Yes, I have.,have got,have got,have got,has got,has got,Have,got,I can do,I _,It _,have got a basketball.,has got a kite.,The pandas,have got some moon cakes.,She,has got some pen friends.,语法小常识 1、并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句用and 或者but连在一起,就构成了并列句。 2、and 和but 的区别。 and 意思是“那么,和” ,表示顺接。 but意思是“但是”, 表示转折。,Daming is my friend I want you to be my friends,too.,I live in New York, I am not American.,Daming has got a Chinese kite we fly it in the park.,Please write to me we can be pen friends.,Listen to the letter and fill in the blanks 填空,Youve got a letter from New York, its not from Daming.,but,and,but,and,and,1.Ive got a kite I cant fly it. 2.Sam has got a dog he often plays with it. 3.I live in New York I am not American. 4.Ive got a postcard its from my pen friend. 5.Shes got an email in French she cant read it. 6.I want to go swimming Ive got a cold.,but,but,and,and,but,but,1.Lucy has got two dolls _she cant find them. 2. He has got a pen he can use it . 3.I want to play football _I have got a headache. 4.My mother has got a new dress_ she doesnt like it. 5.She has got a cat _she often plays with it,but,but,but,and,and,1. 想让你们成为我的朋友 2.住在. 3.来自英国的伦敦 4.参观中国 5.有一个中国风筝 6.在公园里放风筝 7.送给你一本 8.给我写信,I can find out:,want you to be my friends,live in,be from London in the US,visit China,have got a chinese kite,fly a kite in the park,send you one,write to me,Find and recite the following sentences,1.你有一张明信片,但他不是来自大明的。 2.大明是我的朋友而且我想让你们也成为我的朋友。 3.大明有一个中国风筝,我们在公园里放风筝。 5.你有一本关于美国的书吗? 6.请给我写信,我们会成为笔友。,A friend is a present,which you give yourself.,朋友是你给自己的一份礼物。,Goodbye!,Thank you!,
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