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第一节:Leading and managing领导和管理,Effective managers are not necessarily true leaders. Many administrators, supervisors, and even top executives execute their responsibilities without being great leaders. 有效的管理者不一定是真正的领导者。许多执行重要职责的行政人员、主管、甚至高层管理者并不是杰出的领导者。,While many managers focus on superficial activities and worry about short-term profits and stock prices, too few have emerged as leaders who foster innovation and attainment of long-term goals 当许多管理者忙于日常琐事,为短期利润和股票价格担心时,极少数人致力于创新和长期目标的实现,他们就是真正的领导者。,第十二章:Leadership领导,领导是管理的重要职能之一,本章对领导作了一个初步的介绍,主要内容有:领导和管理;领导和追随者;权力和领导;理解领导风格的传统理论;当代领导视角和发展你的领导技能等。,Whereas many managers are overly concerned with fitting in and not rocking the boat, those who emerge as leaders are more concerned with making important decisions 当许多管理者过分的关心他们是否胜任和是否对工作有负作用时,而那些领导者更关心作出重要决策。,第二节:Leading and following领导和追随者(员工),Organizations succeed or fail not only because of how well they are led but because of how well followings follow. The most effective followers are capable of independent thinking and at the same time are actively committed to organizational goals 组织所成败不仅仅在于领导,还在于员工。最有效的员工是有能力独立思考,同时积极的对组织的目标承担责任。,They master skills that are useful to their organizations, and they hold performance standards that are higher than required. 他们(追随者)掌握了对组织有用的技能,他们的工作业绩高于所要求的业绩。,第三节:Power and leadership权力和领导,Central to effective leadership is powerthe ability to influence other people.有效领导的核心是权力影响其他人的能力。,Sources of power 权力的来源,Leaders have five important potential sources of power in organizations. 在组织里,领导的权力有五个重要的潜在来源。,1 legitimate power合法权,The leader with legitimate power has the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do; employees are obligated to comply with legitimate orders. 领导的合法权是指告诉别人作什么的权力,员工有义务服从这种权力。,For example, a supervisor tells an employee to remove a safety hazard, and the employee removes the hazard because he has to obey the authority of his boss. 例如,一个主管告诉员工放弃一个胜算较大的冒险,员工停止了冒险,因为他不得不服从老板的权威。,2 Reward power奖励权,The leader who has reward power influences others because she controls valued rewards; people comply with the leaders wishes in order to receive those rewards.有奖励权的领导者能够影响其他人,因为他控制着价值的奖赏;为了得到那些奖赏,人们服从领导的意愿。,For example, a manager works hard to achieve her performance goals to get a positive performance review and a big pay raise from her boss. On the other hand, if company policy dictates that everyone receive the same salary increase, a leaders reward power decreases because he or she is unable to give higher raises.,例如,管理者努力工作达到她的绩效目标,从而她得到正面的绩效评价和从老板那里得到较大的加薪。另一方面,如果公司政策显示每个人得到相同的工资增加量,那么老板的奖励权就会减少,因为她或他不能得到更高的增加量。,3 Coercive power强制权,The leader with coercive power has control over punishments; people comply to avoid those punishments. 具有强制权的领导有对处罚的控制,人们为了避免那些处罚而服从。,In general, lower-level managers have less legitimate, coercive, and reward power than do middle-and higher-level managers. 通常,低层的管理者比中层和高层管理者有更少的合法权、强制权和奖励权。,4 Referent power 模范权,The leader with referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to other; people comply because of admiration, a desire for approval, personal liking, or a desire to be like the leader. 具有模范权的领导具有吸引其他人的个性特征;人们因为钦佩、赞同、个人喜欢或期望象领导者一样而服从。,For example, young, ambitious managers emulate the work habits and personal style of a successful, charismatic executive. 例如,年轻的、有雄心的管理者积极的模仿成功的、有魅力的管理者的工作习惯和个人风格。,5 Expert power专长权,The leader who has expert power has certain expertise or knowledge; people comply because they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that expertise. 具有专长权的领导有某种专长或知识;人们因为相信他、能够从他那里学到东西或从他的专长里得到利益而服从。,第四节:Traditional approaches to understanding leadership理解领导的传统理论,Three traditional approaches to studying leadership are the trait approach, the behavioral approach, and the situational approach. 研究领导的三种传统理论是:特性理论、行为理论和情景理论。,1 Leader traits领导特性,Trait approach A leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share. 特性理论:关注领导者个人并试图确定伟大领导者们所共有的特性。,1 Drive 进取,Drive refers to a set of characteristics that reflect a high level of effort. Drive includes high need for achievement, constant striving for improvement, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative. 进取指的是反映高水平努力的一系列个性特征。进取包括对成功的强烈欲望、持续的努力提高、抱负、精力、坚韧和主动性。,2 Leadership motivation领导动机,Great leaders not only have drive; they want to lead. They have a high need for power, preferring to be in leadership rather than follower positions. 伟大的领导不仅有进取心;而且他们有领导的欲望。他们有强烈的权力欲望,喜欢领导别人而不是被领导。,3 Integrity 正直,Integrity is the correspondence between actions and words. 正直是指言行一致。,4 self-confidence自信,Self-confidence is important for a number of reasons. The leadership role is challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. Self-confidence allows a leader to overcome obstacles, make decisions despite uncertainty, and instill confidence in others.有许多原因表明自信是重要的。领导者的角色是挑战性的,挫折是不可避免的,自信能让领导者克服障碍,在不确定的环境下决策,把自信逐渐的传给其他人。,Knowledge of the business业务知识,Effective leaders have a high level
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