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Total Productive Maintenance,Manufacturing 生产部门,1,Process Certification,TPM,QCPC,Root Cause / Corrective Action,Set-Up Reduction,Standard Work,Mistake Proofing,Market Feedback Analysis,6S,Quality Clinic Activity,Total Productive Maintenance ACE Manufacturing Qualifying Level,2,程序验证,全面性生产 维护,质量诊断程序 图表,根本原因 修正行动,减少生产 准备,标准化 作业,防误措施,市场反馈 分析,6S,质量诊断 行动,全面生产性维护 ACE 生产部门合格水平,3,Total Productive Maintenance is an equipment management strategy that improves equipment efficiency. 全面生产性维护是一种设备管理策略以提高设备效率。 Or, in other words. Treating the equipment like it is your own! 或者,换句话说. 对待设备就象它是你自己的 一样!,TPM 全面生产性维护,4,TPM Key Concept TPM的重要概念,Left neglected. Equipment Breaks Down 如果不重视设备很快就会坏,TPMs focus is to prevent problems before equipment breaks. TPM 的焦点是要在设备出故障以前防止问题出现。,In the past, maintenance focusedon fixing equipment after it broke. 过去,维护工作总是集中在设备坏了 以后对其进行修理。,5,Total Productive Maintenance is a New Way of Working全面生产性维护是一种全新的工作方式,TPM Attitude: TPM态度: “We are all responsible for our equipment.” “我们所有人对我们的设备负责。”,Old Attitude: 过去的态度: “I operate, you fix.” “作,你修理。” “I fix, you design.” “我处理,你设计。” “I design, you operate.” “我设计,你操作。”,6,A failure is just the tip of the iceberg! 故障只是冰山的一个小尖!,Hidden Defects 隐藏的问题,Failures 故障,Wear, play, slackness, leakage, dust, dirt, corrosion, deformation, adherence of raw materials,surface damage, cracking, overheating, vibration, noise, and other abnormalities. 磨损、松驰、泄露、灰尘、污垢、腐蚀变形、原材料粘黏、表面磨损、裂缝、过热、震动、噪音及其它不正常现象。,Tip of the Iceberg冰山的顶端,7,Typical Causes of Machine Breakdown 典型的机械故障原因,Failure to add oil. 没有加油,Grit and chips in revolving or sliding parts 旋转或滑动零件中的砂砾和碎片,Contamination of sensors, contacts and Connectors 传感器、触敏器、 连接器污染,Dirt and dust on cooling fan 冷却风扇上有 灰尘和污垢,Component Failure 组件失灵,I wonder whats going to fail next? 我在想下面还会出什么 问题呢?,8,TPM Techniques TPM技术,Normal operating Range 正常操作范围,Danger! 危险!,Simplify and Document TPM Activities. 简化并记录TPM行动 Use visual techniques to indicate whats right / whats wrong. 运用直观技术来演示什么是 对的/什么是错的。 PM Completed? 生产性维护完成了吗? Pressure gage 压力计 Sight glass 视镜 Arrows for motor rotation and fluid circulation马达旋转和润油指示箭头 markings for spare parts and fluids. 备用零件和润滑油记号 Making PM devices more accessible. 使生产性维护设备更容易获得 Filters, fittings made more accessible 过滤器、各种装置 Transparent panels to facilitate inspection 明了易读的仪表盘便于检查,9,TPM Benefits TPM的益处,Reduced maintenance costs 减少维护费用 Breakdown maintenance is 10 times more costly than planned maintenance 故障维修费用是有计划进行维护费用的10倍以上 Enhanced safety 提高安全性 Find exposed wires, open belts, missing guards, loose hardware 发现暴露在外的电线、松开的安全带、缺少防护、松开的部件 Reduced waste 减少浪费 Prevents loss of lubricant, compressed air 防止润滑油、压缩空气的浪费 Improved quality 提高品质 Equipment more capable of holding tolerance 设备抗性增强 Less down time, longer life缩短停工时间,寿命更长,10,12 TPM Qualifying Activities,11,12 项TPM 合格行动,12,PURPOSE of Lockout/Tagout 锁定/标识的目的,To prevent you or someone else from inadvertently turning a power source on and causing a potential injury or even death. 以防你或它人意外开动电源而造成可能的伤害甚至死亡,Lockout/Tagout Review: 锁定/标识检查,13,Lockout Device 锁定设备,A lock or other device that utilizes a positive means, to hold an energy isolating device in a safe position and thereby preventing the energizing of a machine or piece of equipment. 一把锁或其它设备,用于使电源设备隔离装置处于一安全的状态,以防止机器或设备的一部分带电。,Lockout/Tagout Review: 锁定/标识检查,14,Tagout Definition 标识的定义,The process of securely fastening a tag or prominent warning sign to indicate that both the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled, must not be operated. 是将一标签或明显的警告标志紧附于设备上 以表明不能对电源隔离设备及处于控制下的 设备进行操作。 The tag will also include the name of the person who locked out the equipment. 该标签应有锁定该装置的 人的名字。,Lockout/Tagout Review: 锁定/标识检查,15,WARNING 警告,NEVER ACCEPT LOCKOUTS KEYS FROM ANYONE. 决不要从它人处接受锁定设备的钥匙。 THE ASSOCIATE RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING THE LOCK OR TAG IS THE ONLY PERSON AUTHORIZED TO REMOVE THE LOCK OR TAG. 唯有经授权负责运用锁或标签的人员可以拿掉该锁或标签。,Lockout/Tagout Review: 锁定/标识检查,16,ACTION ITEM 1: Assess All Equipment行动内容1:评估所有设备,By “Equipment” we mean any machine that was a capital expense and has a depreciative value. Or any machine that is important to your cell. 所谓“设备”是指任何花费了资金并会贬值的机器。或任何对你的部门重要的机器。 We Categorize all Equipment based on how Unique and Critical it is to ensure we focus attention on the right equipment first. Pay special attention to bottleneck equipment. 我们根据设备的独特性和重要性对所有设备进行分类,以确保我们的注意力优先放在正确的设备上。对瓶颈设备给予特殊的关注。,Equipment 设备,17,Category A: Critical equipment for which an alternate machine is not feasible, because: A类:不能用其它设备替代的关键设备,因为: No alternate exists, or 无替代设备,或 The alternate is usually unavailable due to utilization, or 该替代设备通常正被使用而不能获得,或 It would be too costly/time consuming to transition to the alternate 太贵/需花太多时间进行替换 Category C: Equipment for which it is relatively easy to find a replacement or alternate C类:相对容易用其它设备替代的设备 Includes most off-the-shelf equipment 包括最常用的设备 Typically cost $2,500 费用低于$2,500 Standard spare parts (like drive motors) are available off
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