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Unit 2,Module 1 People and places,Oxford English,Travelling around the world,Reading (2),你暑假去深圳游玩,在回来的火车上遇见了你的朋友Mike.下面是他问你的一些问题: What do you think of Shenzhen? 2.Where did you to these days? 3.Do you like the food?,Warming up,1.What do you think of Shenzhen? Its beautiful and clean. Flowers and grass are everywhere. 2.Where did you to these days? I went to lots of places, such as Happy Valley ,the Window of the World. 3.Do you like the food? Yes, I do. And they are delicious.,Task : Memorize the words and phrases in Unit 2 by yourself,Words and phrases,Quiz 1: 2,Quiz 2: 3,Learning objectives,Intensive reading精读 Key sentences分析并掌握重点句型 Key points知识点,学习目标,Task 1:Read after the recording Task 2:Find out the key sentences找出下面四个句子并分析画出知识点: 这是一个拥有很多美丽景点的国家。 如果你喜欢艺术,你可以去卢浮宫。 法国以葡萄酒出名。 为什么今年不拜访法国呢? (Write your answers on your Instruction sheet ),Self-learning,自学,Discussion (讨论),Presentation 小黑板展示,Instruction 点拨1,It is a country with many beautiful places. 这是一个拥有很多美丽景点的国家。,with 表伴随,译为:有,带有,英语老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。,The English teacher went into the classroom with a book in his hand.,我朋友买了一所带有花园的房子。,My friend bought a house with a garden.,精讲,Practice 应用,中国是一个历史悠久的大国。,China is a big country with a long history.,Instruction 点拨2,You can go to the Louvre Museum if you like art. 如果你喜欢艺术,你可以去卢浮宫。,if 意为“ 如果”,条件状语从句,假如你跳起来,你可以够到那个苹果。,If you jump up, you can reach the apple.,如果你努力你会通过考试。,You will pass the exam if you study hard.,Practice 应用,If people _polluting the air, animals and plants will die soon ? dont stop B. didnt stop C. shall not stop D. not stop,Instruction 点拨3,France is famous for its wine. 法国以葡萄酒出名。,be famous for 因而出名 (for 后面接出名的原因 ) be famous as 作为而出名 (as 后面接职业、身份或地位),法国以它的美食而著名。,France is famous for its fine food.,鲁迅作为一名作家在中国出名。,Lu Xun was famous as a writer in China.,Practice 应用,Beijing is famous _ the capital of China. Guangzhou is famous _ its flowers and delicious food.,as,for,Instruction 点拨4,Why not visit France this year? 为什么不仅仅今年拜访法国呢?,Why not do 为何不做某事? = Why dont you do ,你看起来很累。为何不休息一下呢?,You look tired. Why not take a rest?,Practice 应用,为什么不跟我们一起去购物呢? Why not go shopping with us? = Why dont you go shopping with us?,Summary,1 with 表伴随,译为:有,带有 中国是一个历史悠久的大国。 2 if 意为“ 如果”,条件状语从句 如果你努力你会通过考试。 3 be famous for 因而出名 be famous as 作为而出名 4 Why not do 为何不做某事? = Why dont you do ,Homework,1.模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读第二单元课文,单词(家长签字); 2.识记二单元指导书上短语; 3.课时作业19-21:第三课时。,
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