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Leading a successful Library 领导成功的图书馆,Dr. Qi Chen Library Director-Argosy University East 陈 琦 博士 美国阿格西大学,Outline 提要,What is leadership 什么是领导 Librarians competency in 21st century 图书馆员在21世纪的能力 Professional development 专业发展 21st century challenges 21世纪的挑战 Staff review 员工表现评估,What is a Leadership 领导,Leadership - a process 领导是一个过程 Leadership is not managing Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills 领导通过运用他们的知识和技能的进行领导过程 Influence others to accomplish an objective 影响他人完成目标 Direct the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent 指导所在组织使它更具凝聚力和连贯力,Theory of Leadership 领导理论Three basic theories that people become leaders (Bass, 1990).,Trait Theory- -Personality may lead people naturally into leadership roles. 个性理论-个性可能导致人们自然地发挥领导作用 Great Events Theory - A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person. 重大事件理论-危机或重要事件可能导致一个人挺身而出,带出在一个普通的人非凡的领导才能。 Transformational/Process Leadership Theory - People can choose to become leaders. People can learn leadership skills. 转换领导理论 -人们可以选择成为领袖。人们可以学习领导技巧。,Laissez-faire bureaucracy 自由放任-官僚主义,Avoid taking a stand 避免采取立场 Ignore problems 忽略的问题 Do not follow up 不跟进 Refrain from intervening 不想干预 They do not care 不在乎,Laissez-faire bureaucracy自由放任-官僚主义,Meetings without agenda, agree with whatever is said to them, be influenced by the last person to speak to them 没有议程的会议,同意每个人说的。尤其是受最后一个人发言的影响 Leads to dysfunctional conflict and a lack of achievement 导致功能失调的冲突, 缺乏成就 Subordinates are left to fend for themselves 下属自生自灭 Believe creativity, inspiration, help and support are unnecessary 相信创意,灵感,帮助和支持是不必要的 result-alienation 结果-造成分化,Transactional leadership交易型领导,Management-by-exception and contingent reward, usually set performance objectives/standards:管理按奖励定,通常设定绩效目标/标准: Two approaches 两种方法 Passive: Waiting for problems to arise 被动等待出现的问题 Reacting to errors 有错误才反应 Intervening reluctantly 勉强干预 Positive: 肯定方法论 Monitoring for deviations and errors and correcting them 监测偏差和纠正错误 Enforcing rules and procedures 执行规则和程序 Avoidance of initiation or risk-taking by followers 避免风险采取的追随者,Transformational leadership变革型领导,More effective aspects of transactional leadership and avoids its less effective and dysfunctional aspect 更有效的领导方式避免无效和不正常的方面 4 components:四部分组成: Individualized consideration 个性化的考虑 Intellectual simulation 激发智力发展 Inspiration 启示/鼓励 Charisma - Idealized influence 魅力-理想化的影响,Transformational Leadership变革型领导,Individualized consideration重视考虑个人 Providing matching challenges 提供相应的挑战 Giving opportunities to learn 提供学习机会 Delegating 委派任务 Coaching and giving feedback 教练,并给予反馈 Empowerment of followers 让职员自身更强大 Improve and development themselves 改进和发展自己 Let it go of the past 不计较过去 Make time to work with individuals who needs it 腾出时间帮助他人的工作,Transformational Leadership变革型领导,Intellectual simulation激发智力发展 Stimulate the intellect and imagination of the followers 激发职员的智力和想象力 Encourage imagination and creativity 鼓励想象力和创造力 Use and encourage intuition as well as logic 使用,并鼓励直觉以及逻辑思维,Transformational Leadership变革型领导,Inspirational motivation 鼓舞人心 Articulate exciting possibilities 利用令人振奋的机会 Communicate clear and rational vision 明确合理的表达远见 Align individual and organizational goals 把个人和组织目标相联接 Treat threats and problems a opportunities 把威胁和问题看作机会, Example:例如: “ I have a dream “ -MLK我有一个梦想.“- MLK “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country - JFK不要问你的国家能为你做,但要问你能为国家做 -肯尼迪 “,Transformational Leadership变革型领导,Idealized influence charisma 理想化的影响-魅力 Express confidence in vision 对展望表示信心 Admire its qualities 尊重它的品质 Able to take full responsibility for actions 能够担负责任 Display a sense of purpose, persistence and trust in other people 显示出对目标的持续性, 对它其他人的信任 Emphasize accomplishments not failure注重成就,不注重失败,Leadership you experienced你与到过的领导,What type of leaders are you? 你是这么样的领导? Can you tell us what kind of leaders you like? 你所喜欢的领导. Name a leader or leaders that you have had? Good or bad? 你遇到过的好领导, 不好的领导.,BE a professional: be loyal to the organization, perform selfless service, take personal responsibility.专业化:忠于组织,执行无私的服务,承担个人责任 BE : Honesty, competence, candor, commitment, integrity, courage, straightforwardness, imagination.是:诚信,能力,坦诚,承诺,正直,勇敢,正直,想象力。 KNOW the four factors of leadership follower, leader, communication, situation. 懂得领导的四个因素- 职员,领导,沟通和局面。 KNOW yourself: strengths and weakness, knowledge, and skills. 认识你自己:优势与劣势,知识和技能。 KNOW human nature: human needs, emotions, and how people respond to stress. 知道人类的本质:人的需要,情感,以及人们如何应对压力。 KNOW your job: be proficient and be able to train others in their tasks. 了解你的工作:精通并能培养他们的任务等。 KNOW your organization: where to go for help, its climate and culture, who the unofficial leaders are. 知道您的组织:去哪里寻求帮助,它的气候和文化,谁是非官方的领导人。 DO provide direction: goal setting, problem solving, decision making, planning.确实提供了方向:目标设定,解决问题,决策,规划。,BE, KNOW , DOHow to be a good leader?如何做领导?,BE, KNOW , DO To Be a Good Leader
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