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,資訊服務管理的昨日、今日與明日,中華民國九十八年五月,2,問題,ITSM vs. ITIL vs. ISO 20000,3,大綱,現況分析 ITIL (V2.0)簡介 ITIL (V3.0)簡介 ITIL (V2.0)與ITIL (V3.0)的比較 ISO 20000簡介 問題與討論,4,現況分析,IT服務管理的演進 70年代:電子資料處理(EDP) 80年代:管理資訊系統(MIS) 90年代:資訊科技在企業的應用(IT) 演進的結果 Higher customer expectation on service (客戶對服務之高度期望) IT become a revenue generating (IT變成收益的流程,加值服務) High focus on system availability (對系統可用性之高度重視),Source : BSi,24x7,品質,5,現況分析,期望 IT 組織 提供技術協助 (Provide technical assistance) 使用者滿意 (Satisfaction from users) 企業 藉由IT改善工作流程 (Need IT to improve workflow) 工作流順 (Work smoothly) 企業能獲利 (Profitable business),Source : BSi,6,現況分析,期望的落差(問題) IT 組織 無法滿足使用者的需求 (Can not get what users want,其原因乃服務需求太多) 欠缺提供服務的動機 (No motivation to provide service) 企業 期望藉由IT來改善工作流程(Need IT to improve workflow) 產生挫折 (Create frustration) 造成企業的失敗 (Losing Business) They do not speak the same language,Source : BSi,7,Service Management (服務管理),Definition Management of services to meet the business requirements Service 係指目前提供的服務 管理服務以符合企業的需求,亦即是指做到Satisfaction Satisfaction感受 期望0 Satisfaction以SLA來衡量 在V3中, Service Management係指提供所須要的服務(不包括成本及風險)及產生的價值,Source : BSi,8,Service Management (服務管理),Workflow (工作流程) vs. Process (流程) 流程(Process) 是為了達成某一特定的結果所必需之一系列作業活動的串連,而這些作業活動集合了所需的人員、設備、材料,並運用特定的作業方法,以達成為顧客創造更多價值的結果 通常一個流程的輸出,可直接形成下一個流程的輸入 Workflow係指process中,有關需要利用computer 或IT來協助執行的部份,Source : BSi,9,Process Approach (流程方法),Source : BSi,A process is a set of interrelated or interacting activities that uses resources to transform inputs into outputs,The process approach systematically identifies and manages the linkage, combination, and interaction of a system of processes within an organization,BS 15000/ISO 20000 is based on a process approach to IT service management,10,The process approach emphasizes the importance of Understanding and meeting requirements Looking at processes in terms of added value Obtaining results of process performance Continual improvement of processes,Source : BSi,Process Approach (流程方法),11,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),何謂 ITSM ? ITSM 是指”IT 服務管理(IT Service Management)” ITSM 是一套標準化的IT服務管理方法論,它可以 促使IT資源發揮最大效益 讓IT部門脫離傳統技術支援的角色,升級成為服務導向的組織,亦即是要讓IT部門(不論企業內或企業外指服務廠商)由技術操作導向的思考邏輯與定位,演變成能建立組織最大效益的能力(綜合商業與科技),尤其是在商業需求與環境劇烈變動的今日 ITSM可讓IT部門從技術支援角色升級成為組織外部的IT服務中心,12,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),ITSM可以分成四個象限,組織若要做好IT服務管理(ITSM),則此四個象限缺一不可,其分別為 People Customer Recipient of a service: usually the Customer manage-ment has responsibility for the funding of the service Provider The unit responsible for the provision of IT service Supplier A third party responsible for supplying or supporting underpinning elements of the IT service,13,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),User The person using the service on a daily basis Organization General Problems How to maintain the improvement continuity? How to get the suitable resources and technologies ? How to achieve the success of a project ? How to control the quality of outsourcing ? How to reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) ? How to exist the VFM (Value For Money) ?對價關係 How to achieve the ROI (return on Investment) ?,14,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),IT Programs How to integrate the IT and “Business strategy goals and planning” ? How to manage/control the frequently change ? How to develop the partnership between IT and end uses? How to synchronous the IT, business requirements and cost ? How to gain the competitive advantage by IT? How to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of IT department? How to present their business value? How to present the IT Governance?,15,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),IT Manager The complexity, distributed and large of IT system The maintain cost and IT technology are advanced The quality and requirement of IT users are advanced IT service is not an AP, product both Migrate from Technology-oriented to business-oriented and workflow-oriented The most challenge of IT managers are 1. How to support the high quality IT service ? 2. How to corporate with business activities and become partnership?,16,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),Process ITIL為此象限重要的一環 係針對IT Infrastructure的管理,所衍生出來的最佳實踐方案(Best Practice) ITIL以下列的精神,為IT Infrastructure管理帶來新的方向 1. Best Practice 2. Public Domain 3. De Facto Standard(業界已在使用但未通過認證的標準) 4. Quality Approach Technology 各廠家提供的軟硬體產品及工具,17,IT服務管理(IT Service Management),ITSM vs. ITIL vs. ISO20000 ITSM 資訊服務管理 針對顧客(IT的使用單位)之需求及期望,提供高品質IT的服務(Effectiveness and Efficiency ) ITIL 提供 ITSM 的最佳實施範例指引 ISO20000 獨立驗證 ITSM 執行情形之標準,18,沿革,ITIL : IT Infrastructure Library 源起於80年代英國政府商務部(OGC)的前身組織(CCTA) 所主導進行的一項研究如何提升政府資訊科技與管理的專案 被稱為資訊服務管理的最佳實務(Best Practice) 資訊服務管理的ISO國際標準(ISO/IEC 20000)主要即參考此架構所發展制定 ITIL的演變過程 As a collection of best practices To improve the quality and cost effectiveness of the services they provide to the business,19,沿革,A vehicle used to help reach the ultimate destination, which is to improve service ITIL can be applied in any organization, regardless of size, type and structure The business quality initiatives, is based on the principles of W. Edwards Deming ,
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