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外研八上 Module 6Animals in danger 知识点 短语 in danger在危险之中out of danger脱离危险 provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb向某人提供某物 find out 查明look for 寻找 live on 以 为食live by doing sth.靠, 为生 depend on依赖于 ,取决于less and less 越来越少 make a plan to do. 计划做 , such as. 例如 , .think of 想起 allow doing sth 允许做某事 protect sb/sth from 保护某人 /某物使其不受 .侵害。 take away“拿走,带走 grow up 长大 look after=take care of 照顾 look at 看look up 查找look out 小心look like 看起来像 look over 查阅;检查look through 浏览look after 照顾 look around/about环顾look forward to 期待 Raise money for为.筹钱 do)research into/on sth “对 .进行调查 /研究” feed sb/sth on with sth 用某物喂某人 /某人 feed sth to sb/sth把某用喂给某人 /某物 feed on(牛、马、羊)以 .为食 be interested to do sth 意为“对做某事感兴趣” get close to . 意为“靠近 .” need to do sth 需要做某事 need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事 have a safe place to live 译为“有一个安全的地方来生存 in peace 在和平中、在宁静中 live in peace 和平相处 notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事 in the wild “在自然环境下、在野外” in order to “为了 ” , set up 建立、创立、树立 develop good habits 养成好的习惯 let sb do sth 让某人做某事 stop .(from) doing sth “阻止 .做某事” many kinds of + 可数名词复数“许多种 .” all kinds of 各种各样的 .” 重点句子 Your money pays to look after the animals. 你所捐献的钱将用于看护动物 Read the passage and find out the answer to these questions. 读这篇短文,找出这些问题的答案 what else we can do to save as many animals as possible. 我们还能做什么,来拯救更多的动物。 Do you think animals are happy in the zoo ? 你认为动物们在动物园里开心么? You need to stop your son (from) going online. 你需要阻止你儿子上网 In war,life is full of danger for everyone. 在战争中 ,每个人的生活都危机四伏 He raised his arm to protect his face. 他举起手臂护住脸部。 He mainly learns Chinese here. 他来这儿主要为学汉语。 The people in the street were mostly tourists. 街上的人大部分是游客。 Please tell me the reason for such a mistake. 请向我解释一下你犯这样一个错误的原因。 Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太 忙不能成为不学习的理由。 We provide food for the hungry children. 我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。 They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物 Can you find out who broke the window? 你能查出是谁打破窗户的吗? Sheep live on grass. 羊以草为食。 He lives in London.他住在伦敦。 The food is less and less in winter. 冬天食物越来越少了。 In spring, its warmer and warmer. 春天天气越来越暖和。 Weve made a plan to go abroad for vacation. 我们已定好出国度假的计划。 Food such as hamburgers is junk food. 像汉堡这类的食品是垃圾食品。 Put on your cool clothes, for example, a T shirt and shorts. 穿上凉快衣服 ,比如 T 恤衫和短裤。 I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。 Its said to think of the pandas and other animals in danger. 想到熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心 He is thinking about a problem.他正在考虑一个问题。 I thought of my hometown when I saw this photo. 当我看点这张照片时,我就想起了我的家乡。 I saw the pandas at last. 我终于看到了熊猫。 Finally the man jumped down to the safety. 最终,那个人跳刀了安全地带。 At last they reached shanghai. 他们终于到达了上海。 Everything will be all right in the end.最终一切都会好的。 But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reseve ,because it allows people to get closer to them. 但是我对卧龙大熊猫自然保护区的大熊猫更感兴趣,因为那里允许人们更靠近它 们 She is interested in gardening. 她对园艺感兴趣。 I read an interesting novel yesterday. 昨天我读了一篇有趣的小说。 We dont allow eating in the classroom. 我们不准在教师里吃东西。 My parents don t allow me to go out at night.我父母不允许我晚上出去。 I am interested to know what happened . 我很想知道发生了什么事情 We need to protect them better. 我们需要更好地保护它们。 We should protect wild animals. 我们应该保护野生动物。 We should protect the children from harm. 我们应当保护儿童免受伤害 He projects his sister and brother from harm. 他保护妹妹弟弟免受伤害 because villages and farm are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests. 因为 村庄和农场越来越大,正在夺去它们的土地和森林。 Alao,often there isnt enough clean water 而且,也经常没有足够的干净水 I dont have enough time to look after my pet. 我没有足够的时间照看我的宠物。 Im lucky enough to have such a friend. 我真幸运有这样的朋友。 They run fast enough. 他们跑得足够快。 Your money pays to look after the animals. 你的钱用来照顾动物。 Maybe we can raise some money at school.或许我们可以在学校筹集一些钱。 I often raise money for the Project Hope. 我经常为希望工程筹钱。 Dont raise your hand. 不要举手 There are only about 1600 pandas living in the wild today. 现在只有大约 1600 只熊猫生活在野外。 There is a bird flying in the sky.有只小鸟在天空中飞翔。 Zoos and research centres are looking after about 340 pandas. 动物园和研究中心正在照顾大约340 只熊猫。 His research has been successful.他的研究已经成功了。 Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. 科学家们正在做大量的研究来帮助熊猫繁殖更多的宝宝,并帮助熊猫宝宝存活。 Edison was an American scientist. 爱迪生是一位美国科学家。 They produced over 250 cars a week. 他们每周生产 250 多辆汽车。 there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. 也会有更多的竹子来喂养熊猫。 He fed some fish to the cat. 他给猫喂了一些鱼。 He feeds the little dog with/on milk.他喂小狗牛奶。 The sheep feed on grass. 羊以草为食。
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