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人教最新版英语口语记忆顺口溜(八下14),引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 指导教师杨学慧,这儿的人多厚道啊! How kind the people are here!我想听听你们的看法。 I want to hear your ideas.,就这儿疼。It hurts right here. 你有何想法?Do you have any idea?,你怎么也在这里?How come you are also here? 我明年完成此工程。I can finish the project next year.,他能把它放进自己的耳朵里。He can keep it in his ear. 有只长着大耳朵的老鼠。It is the mouse with large ears.,他们来了多久?How long have they been here? 希望来年回家看看。Hope to visit the family next year.,那是一年中最炎热的月份。Its the hottest month of the year. 这时候是泰国的新年。This time is the Thai New Year.,蛇没有耳朵。Snakes dont have ears. 每年的这个时候,大雾弥漫。Its foggy at this time of the year.,这要花费数百年时间。Itll take hundreds of years.中国孩子激动了好多年。Chinese children are excited for years.,大概每隔两年生一只。Maybe only one every two years.我以前一年回家一次。I used to return home once a year.,他们去年搬住美国。They moved to the US last year. 今年我给她写了信。I wrote to her this year.,我最初来这儿时,When I first arrived here,她去年给我寄了点钱。she sent me money last year.,我去年去的。I went there last year. 我买来它好几年。Ive had it for several years.,他们已经来了三年了!They have been here for three years! 我有它10多年。Ive had it for over 10 years.,我三年没有回过了。I havent been back for 3 years. 它有20年了。 It has been around for 20 years.,他来这儿已经有20多年。He has been here for over 20 years. 他过去的13年居住在那儿。He has lived there for the last 13 years.,艾米已有两年没有回过家。Amy hasnt been back home for 2 years.自从我上次来这里有很长时间了。It has been a long time since I last came here.,我们从去年以来一直都在努力学习。Weve been working since last year.这严重吗?Is it serious?,父母亲有更多的经验。Parents have more experience. 但她没有太多经验。But she doesnt have much experience.,Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.,
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