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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 单元总览类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题 In this unit, students learn to talk about school days and share past memories and experiences and look ahead to the future重点单词1. survey n. 调查2. standard n. 标准;水平3. row n. 一排;一列;一行4. keyboard n. 琴键;键盘;5. instruction n. 指示,命令6. double v. 加倍;7. shall v. 将要8. overcome v. 克服,战胜9. graduate v. 毕业10. caring adj. 体贴人的11. ours pron. 我们的12. senior adj. 级别高的13. text n. 课文;文本14. level n. 水平15. degree n. 学位, 度数16. manager n. 经理17. gentleman n. 先生,绅士18. graduation n. 毕业19. ceremony n. 典礼20. congratulate v. 祝贺21. thirsty adj. 渴望的,口渴的22. thankful adj. 感谢的23. lastly adv. 最后24. task n. 任务;工作25. ahead adv. 向前面;26. responsible adj. 有责任心的27. separate adj. 单独的;分离的28. wing n. 翅膀重点词组1. win a prize 获奖2. do a school survey 做一个学校调查3. meet the standard of a strict teacher 满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4. meet this group of friends 遇到这群朋友5. score two goals in a row 连续踢进两个球6. learn to play the keyboard 学会弹钢琴7. be patient with sb 对有耐心8. work out the answer yourself 自己找出答案9. guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事10. put in more effort更加努力11. look back at 回首12. pride of overcoming fear 克服恐惧感的自豪13. make a great big mess 弄得一团糟14. keep my cool 保持我的清高15. try to be on time for morning reading 尽力赶上早读16. look forward to doing sth期望做某事17. join the school swim team加入学校游泳队18. get a business degree 取得一个商业学位19. became manager成为经理20. believe in sb 信任某人21. attend the graduation ceremony 出席毕业庆典22. First of all 首先23. full of energy 充满活力24. thirsty of knowledge 渴求知识25. hope for the future 对未来的希望26. never fail to be thankful to sb 一定要向某人表达感激27. the beginning of a new life 一个新生活的开始28. ahead of sb 在某人前面29. be responsible for your decision action对自己的决定和行为负责30. go your separate ways走自己的路31. set out on your new journey开始你的新旅程32. separate from sb 与分别33. give wings to fly 给某人飞翔的翅膀34. The last day of junior high school 高中最后一天35. scared and nervous 恐惧和紧张36.the last day of junior high school在中学的最后一天37. share so many good memories分享如些多美好的记忆重点句式1. What happened in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发什么了什么特别的事? Our team won the school basketball competition.我们队赢了学校的蓝球比赛。2. How have you changed since you started junior high school?你上中学后有什么变化? Ive become much better at speaking English. 我在说英语上比以前更好。3. How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你认为在高中会有什么 不同? I think that Ill have to study much harder for exams。我想我将更加为考试努力学习。4. What are your plans for next year? 你明年的计划是什么? Im going to join the school volleyball team. 我将加入学校排球队。5. What do you remember about Grade 8. 关于八年级你记得什么? I remember being a volunteer. 我记得当一名志愿者。6. What do you use to do that you dont do now? 你以前做而现在不做的事是什么? I used to take dance lessons, but I dont anymore. 我以前上舞蹈课,但现在不上了。7. What are you looking forward to? 你期望做什么? Im looking forward to going to senior high school. 我期望上高中。 单元语法Review of key structures.课时分解第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)I. I. 知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1. survey n. 调查2. standard n. 标准;水平3. row n. 一排;一列;一行4. keyboard n. 琴键;键盘;5. instruction n. 指示,命令6. double v. 加倍;7. shall v. 将要重点词组1. win a prize 获奖2. do a school survey 做一个学校调查3. meet the standard of a strict teacher 满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4. meet this group of friends 遇到这群朋友5. score two goals in a row 连续踢进两个球6. learn to play the keyboard 学会弹钢琴7. be patient with sb 对有耐心8. work out the answer yourself 自己找出答案9. guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事10. put in more effort更加努力重点句式1. Junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?中学生活结束了,你有什么特别的记忆吗?2. I remember I cored two goals in a row during a soccer competition. 我记得在一次足球比赛 中连续踢进两个球。3. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?中学毕业后,你会最怀念哪些老师?4. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.她帮助你自己算出答案,无论它们有多难。5. He always took time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 无论何时只要是我没听懂的,他总是花时间给我解释清楚。6. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam score doubled.正是由于她,我才更加努力,我的成绩也成倍提高了。II. 课堂环节自主学习方案【自学自查】根据汉语提示完成单词。1. The students are doing a school survey(调查)about their eating hobbits.2. The workers are making the products carefully to meet the standard(标准)of the international.3. He father was so angry that he broke the keyboard(键盘)of his computer.4. This page has the clear instruction(说明)of this kind of medicine.5. The man did the same job as us but was paid double(双倍的).课堂导学方案Step 1 情景导入(参考案例)用多媒体给学生播放一些七至九年学生们学校活动的录像或照片,然后询问同学们还记得哪些学校活动。Teacher: Your junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?Students: : I remember_. winning a prize take part in the school tripget into a f
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