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课时编号 NO:授课时间:第 周 星期 年 月 日科目English年级Grade eight主备人课 题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (Section B 2a-3b)上课人知识与技能目标Key vocabulary, Target language and Oral practice.过程与方法目标Reading and writing情感态度与价值观目标Enable students to write an article about the important events 教学重点1) Vocabulary: passage, pupil, bell, completely, shocked, recently, date, tower, realize, truth, in the playground, in silence, at first2) We were having fun in the playground when the school bell rang.Do you remember what you were doing?I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.教学难点1) was/were + doing2) Learn to write a short article about an important event教具与教法Teaching Method: reading method, Writing method, Teaching Aid: A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard and an English book.教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学 生 活 动. Lead-in 1 Greetings2 Introduce what to learn in this period, especially the article in 2b. Pre-task Page 38, 2a 1 Look at 2a. 2 Look at the picture and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about? 3 Ask the students to talk about it. . While-task Page 38, 2b 1 Present new words on the screen and teach. 2 Ask students to repeat them. And make sure everyone knows the meanings. 3 Practice reading the passage. 4 Read the title and the first sentence. The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. Its also a good idea to read the sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text. Page 39, 2c and 2d 1 Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given(NG). 2 Ask one or two students to check the answers. 3 Ask the students to read the passage quickly and find the answers in 2d. 4 Ask one or two students to check the answers. Post-task Page 39, 2e How much do you remember about the events in the passage? Test your partner.Page 39, 3aLook at 3a. Make notes about an event you remember well. Page 40,3b1 Look at 3b. Write a short article about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs.2 Ask the students to read and practice the questions and the phrases in the box. Summary In this class we have learned a passage “Do You Remember What You Were Doing?” You should learn how to write a passage. Homework 1 Write a strange event after class. 2 Retell the passage about “Do You Remember What You Were Doing?”GreetingsKnow what to learnTurn to page 38Finish 2aDiscussTalkLearn new wordsRepeatPracticeUnderstand the title and first sentence Read again Finish 2cPresentation Finish 2dPresentationPracticeWork with a partnerTake notes Writing Individual work Presentation板书设计1) Vocabulary: passage, pupil, bell, completely, shocked, recently, date, tower, realize, truth, in the playground, in silence, at first2) We were having fun in the playground when the school bell rang.Do you remember what you were doing?I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.作业布置1 Write a strangeevent after class. 2 Retell the passage about “Do You Remember What You Were Doing?”教后反思记4
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