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第4课时 Section B(la-le) 【学习目标】能力目标:学会询问天气和问候他人,提高与人;交流的能力。来源:学科网知识目标:1 重点单词:dry,cold,hot,warm 来源:Z。xx。k.Com2 重点短语:in picture a, have a party, sound like fun ,visit my grandmother 3 重点句型 Im calling to say,“Happy birthday! 一Hows it going with you? -Not bad Its cold and its raining. 情感价值目标:通过实践体验在生活中运用英语的乐趣,培养积极的生活态度和英语学习兴趣。【学习过程】一、自主学习:I预习Section B,la,完成课本P40,la的练习。然后写出下列单词的英文表达。1干燥的 2冷的 3凉爽的 4暖和的 5.热的 二、合作探究展示1. 自由谈论 (Today, we will go on talking about the weather and what we can do in such weather. Lets look at some pictures. ) -Hows the weather? -Its . 2. Pair work Ask and answer questions about the weather and the activities in the pictures of la. (lb) -Hows the weather in picture . . . ? -Its.-Whats the boy/girl doing? -Hes/Shes. . .3. Listening practice (l)Listen to 1c/ld and answer the questions. Where is Mary? Why does Mary call Eric? (2)Listen again and fill in the chart. (lc)Hows it going?What are you doing?Hows the weather?MaryEricgreat (3)Read after the tape and try to imitate.4.角色扮演 (1) Role-play the conversation between Mary and Eric. (le) (2) Make a similar dialogue with your partner according to le . Ask and answer these questions: Where are you? Hows it going? What are you doing? Hows the weather? And then role-play it.5. Group work Make notes of your groups conversations and writea report on your group members activities, weather and so on. Hows it Name Place Weather Doing going? visiting the Lucy Beijing cold not bad Great Wall 来源:Z&xx&k.ComReport:来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K There are four students in my group. They are in different places for their holidays. Lucy is in Beijing. Its cold there. Shes not bad Because she is visiting the Great Wail. . .三、拓展提升1.-Hows it going with you?你近来可好?-Not bad马马虎虎。【导学一】Hows it going( with you)?是疑问副词how引导的问候句式,意为“一切还好吗?近况如何?身体可好?”比How are you?的关心和问候更为具体。其中it为代词作主语,指代一切情况。其同义句型还有:How is everything?How are you doing?如: -Hows it going?-Just so-so.【导学二】Not bad.在此处意为“马马虎虎”是对别人询问近况或事情进展如何的答语。类似的答语还有:Pretty good!(非常好!)Great!(好极了!)Fine!(很好!)Terrible!(糟透了),此时应根据具体情况作答。【学点训练】( )-Hows your party going, Gloria? - Im having a good time A. Terrible B. Not bad C. Bad D. Great2Its cold and its raining天气寒冷且下着雨。【导学】 cold作形容词,意为“寒冷的”,一般用来形容冬天的天气,其反义词为hot。如: Its very cold in Harbin in winter哈尔滨的冬天很冷。【辨析】cold与cool 两者均有“冷”的意味,但其程度不同。 (1) cold -般指温度降到很低。其冷的程度高于cool,表示很冷。 (2) cool足形容词,意为“凉爽的,凉快的”,一般用来形容秋天的天气,表示既不太冷,也不太热,其反义词为warm。如: It is very cool in autumn秋天的天气很凉爽。【学点训练】-How/s the weather7-Its c . And I have to put on my sweater.四、检测反馈 I根据句意及提示完成句子。1.I cant stand(忍受)the t _weather.2.I1ike autumn Its c_ _.3. Im calling_ _(say) ,Happy New Year!4.Its very (冷的)in winter in Beijing.5. How (be) the weather in Chongqing now?6. Its (rain) now in the city.7.Its 7:00 pm Toms family (have) dinner.II.根据汉语意思完成句子.来源:Zxxk.Com1.这里天气炎热而且干燥。It is and here2.海南的天气怎么样?How in Hainan?3.他进来可好?How it him?4.我们家每个人都在这儿. My here.5.莉莉喜欢凉爽的秋天,不喜欢寒冷的冬天。Lily likes autumn and doesnt like winter.
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