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七年级下册英语学案第037号 Unit2 What time do you go to school? 知识再现1. What time do you get up? 由疑问词what time(几点)引导的特殊问句。结构:What time +助动词do/does +主语+动词原形,询问某人做某事的具体时间。2. I usually get up at five oclock. 我通常在五点钟起床。来源:学科网ZXXK下面的排列更直观地说明了这几个词的频率的大小。alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomnever3. To get to work, he takes the number17 bus to the Sai Te Hotel. 动词take在此时“乘坐”的意思;而by也有“乘坐”的意思,但它是介词。He often takes the bus to work.= He often go to work by bus.4. People love to listen to him.人们喜欢听他的!love to do sth. 强调具体活动love doing sth. 强调习惯。5. He gets home at 7:00,and he watches morning TV. get “到达”,接名词时,要加介词to;接副词(here, there, home)时,不加to来源:Zxxk.Com6. Can you think what his job is?你能想到他的工作是什么吗?what his job is 表示“他的工作是什么 ”,其中,what his job 作think的宾语。What she says is very good.她说得很好。(作主语。注意,谓语动词要用单数。)7. What time is it? 几点了? -Its eight thirty. 八点三十分。= Whats the time? /What time is it by your watch?回答时,要用 Its +钟点。注:英语时刻的表达法:顺读法和逆读法。顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。 4:25four twenty-five 7:00seven oclock逆读法:分钟为+介词to/past+钟点数,可分两种情况:1)分钟为不超过半小时,用分钟数+past+钟点数。4:23twenty-three past four2)超过了半小时,用(所差的)分钟的+to+(下一个)钟点。10:58two to eleven来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K8. School starts at nine oclock. 学校九点开始上课。start=begin 意为“开始”。 start/begin to do sth.和start/begin doing sth.当堂考试 (共60分)根据句意及词首字母写出单词 (20)1What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at five o _.2Li Lei isnt at school today. B _ he is ill.3Which bus do you t _ to go to work?4What do you know a _ him?5My son does his h _ at 6:30.6The children often play football at 4:00 in the a _.7My father goes to work very e _ in the morning.8What do you often eat for b _?9The bus usually l _ at 8:00 and comes back at 12:00.来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K10Are you b _ today? No. I have nothing to do. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 (10)11have _ 12go_ 13do_ 14put_15dance _ 16talk_ 17speak_ 18help_19watch _ 20study_选用所给词或词组的正确形式完成句子 (10)put sleep get have take look work do tell speak21What _ your brother _ in the evening? He watches TV at home.22Do you like _ a little longer in the morning?23Where _ your uncle _ ? In Beijing 24He _ on his jacket and goes to work.25Can you _ a little Chinese? Yes, I can.26Which bus shall I _? 27What time _ you _ lunch?28_ me what his job is. 29He _ to the bus stop very late. The bus leaves. 30_ at the clock. Its time to go home.来源:学科网ZXXK 书面表达 (20)写一篇短文,介绍自己:每天几点钟起床、吃早饭、上学;下午几点钟放学、回家;晚上几点钟吃晚餐、看电视、几点睡觉。要求:40字左右。
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