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课 题课 型预习展示学习目 标1.会说会默写会运用本课P13-14单词2.记住并会运用一般疑问句: A: Is this/that your pencil ? B: Yes, it is/ No, it isnt .学习过程: 自主认真完成任务一至任务五,然后进行对学群学.任务一: 会说会写会运用下列单词( 说出单词的用法) 1铅笔_ 2书_ 3. 橡皮_4. 箱。盒_5书包_6.他的_ 7我的_8她的_9.我_10字典。词典_11原谅。宽恕_12感谢;谢谢_13老师,教师 _14关于_15你的,你们的_16为了。给。对于_17 帮助。援助_ 18 受欢迎的_任务二:翻译下列短语并记住1这支铅笔_2那本书_3她的橡皮_4他说尺_ 5我的钢笔_ 6.你的字典_7用英语_8你的名字_ 9.请原谅_任务三:朗读,背诵记忆下列对话,并编写出自己的对话。1. A: Excuse me ! Is this your pencil? 1.A:_? B: Yes, it is. Its mine. B:_.2. A: Excuse me ! Is that his schoolbag? 2.A:_? B: No, it isnt. The blue schoolbag is his. B:_.3 .A: Excuse me ! Are these your books? 3.A:_? B: No, they arent. Theyre hers. B:_.4. A: Excuse me ! Are those her keys? 4.A:_? B: Yes, they are. B:_.任务四:知识梳理:1:this that 都是指示代词,在句中可以指代人或物,其中指距离说话人较近的人或物时用this,指说话人较远的人或物时用that.如:This is a pencil. That is(Thats) a ruler.2.:回答一般疑问句Is this/that时,用it来代替问句中的this或that,以避免重复。Is this your pen? Yes,_ is. /No, _ isnt .任务五:句型冲关1.This is my pencil.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _pencil/2.Is this your ruler ?(作否定回答) No,_ _3.Is that his book?(做肯定回答)_ ,_ is.4.Its an eraser.(划线提问)_ _ it ?课堂小结思考总结:本堂课我学会了_当堂检测一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.E_me,Cindy.Is this your pencil?2.Sonia,is this your book? Oh, yes, t_ you.3.Is that her eraser? N_, it isnt.4.This is my ruler and t_ is my pen.5.Is this y_ schoolbag? Yes, its my schoolbag.二单选.1.( )-Is that _pencil?No, its not my pencil. Its her pencil. A. her B. your C. my D. you 2. ( ) _is my book._ isnt my book._ her book. A. This, This, Thats B This, That, Thats C That, This , Thats D. Thiss, This, That3. ( ) -Is this_ eraser?Yes, it is. A. a B. an C. the D./4( )Is this your_? A. a book B. book C the book D. books5 ( ) . Is that your eraser?-_.Its his eraser. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C Yes, it isnt D. No, it is课后反思 通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_。
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