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高清视频学案 2 / 2中考总复习第六讲 形容词的用法北京四中 周可勇I. 导入由歌曲Good Time引出形容词的概念II. 形容词讲解An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. (By noun we include pronouns and noun phrases.)Typical adjective endings: -able/-ible -al -ful -ive -less -ous常见的形容词构词法1动词+ed (He is/ feels .)tired; bored; excited; amazed; relaxed; surprised; interested; frustrated;frightened; embarrassed常见的形容词构词法2动词+ing (It is )tiring; boring; exciting; amazing; relaxing; surprising; interesting; frustrating;frightening; embarrassing常见的形容词构词法3名词+ydirty; juicy ; dusty; angry; starry; thirsty; hungry; healthy; snowy; rainy;cloudy; stormy; windy; sunny; foggy常见的形容词构词法4名词+ fuluseful; helpful; hopeful; careful; wonderful; beautiful; thankful; thoughtful常见的形容词构词法5名词+lessuseless; hopeless; helpless; careless; wordless; meaningless常见的形容词构词法6名词+lyfriendly; motherly; lively; lovely; weekly; monthly常见的形容词构词法7名词/动词+able / iblecomfortable; enjoyable; believable; suitable常见的形容词构词法8名词+al cultural; natural; traditional; national; environmental常见的形容词构词法9动词的被动语态引申为形容词locked; broken; lost; amazed常见的否定词缀un-unable; unbelievablein-incorrect; im-impossible“the+形容词”表示一类the old; the young; the rich; the poor; the wounded形容词在句子中的位置1. 系动词之后作_语The house looks cozy.That soup smells good.The stone feels hot.The days are getting shorter.2. 名词之前作_语This is a big tree.3. 动宾短语后作_语The news made me happy.He always keeps his room clean and tidy.熟练掌握形容词作定语、表语及宾语补足语的用法。熟练掌握形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化形式。1. greatgreater_ 2. bigbigger_3. largelargerlargest4. easyeasier_5. carefulmore careful_地址:北京市西城区新德街20号四层 邮编:100088 电话:82025511 传真:82079687
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