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合川市2018中考(人教新课标)英语八下U910作文讲解和拓展练习及答案人教新课标8(下)Units 910第一部分:教材基础话题作文【暂缺】第二部分:基础跟踪训练一、 (2017沈阳中考)阅读理解。As an exchange student,I must admit(承认) that at first America was a big culture shock for me.来源:学科网I stayed with a host family in a small town.My host parents organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely. However,life was hard to get used to.My main problem was with the language.I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast.Though I soon managed to get used to it,I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms(习语) Another difference was the food.My host family always had bread,potatoes and salad for meals.I really miss the dumplings,rice and delicious dishes from home. School was a big shock,too.They do not require students to wear uniforms,so students can wear almost whatever they like.Some students have strange hairstyles(发型) as well.Some students even have pink or purple hair!By Brad Li My dream was to see some real snow,so during the Christmas holiday,we took our passports(护照) and flew over the Pacific to Calgary,Canada.We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies.As the bus climbed through the mountains,we saw the thick snow on the trees.I was dying to get out and play with it!At last,we reached the resort and quickly jumped out of the bus.This was our first experience with snow.We were like little childrenwe made snowballs,and threw them at one another!Then we checked in at the hotel. The next day,we put on our ski suits and gloves,took our skis and went outside onto the snow.Our instructor took us to a gentle slope(斜坡),and showed us some basic skills.To be honest,that first lesson was not a great success.I kept on falling over,and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance(平衡) However,the next day,I only fell over a few times,and I managed to do a few rapid runs.I felt pleased with myself,and my instructor told me I was doing much better.Although it was very cold,I spent most of my holiday skiing.I had a wonderful time.By Vanessa( B )1.Brad Li seemed to tell us that his host parents _Awere very active Bwere very kindCfelt lonely Dfelt unhappy( C )2.Which of the following shows America was a big culture shock for Brad Li?aPeople used a lot of idioms.bHe stayed with a host family in a small town.cHis host family always had dumplings for meals.dStudents are not required to wear uniforms at school.Aa;c Bb;d Ca;d Db;c( A )3.After landing on Calgary airport,Vanessa went to a ski resort _Aby bus Bby trainCby ship Dby plane( C )4.How did Vanessa react(反应) when she saw the snow for the first time?AShe was dying when she got out and played with it.BShe was afraid of death to get out and play with it.CShe wanted very much to get out and play with it.DShe was too nervous to get out and play with it.二、语法填空。In China,very few children get pocket money.However,in Western countries,most kids make pocket money by 1._themselves_(they)They make pocket money in many different 2._ways_(way) When kids are very young,their parents help them sell fruit from their own trees to neighbors.Kids may also help parents 3._(to)_do_(do) housework to make money at home.When they reach sixteen,they can make money by delivering newspapers or by 4._working_(work) in fast food restaurants.They often do like this 5._especially_(especial) during the summer holidays. There are many advantages of earning pocket money by kids themselves.First of all,they learn the value of money by working hard.Second,they learn 6._to_manage_(manage) their own money,by buying things they need or want,such as books,pencils,movies,and even clothes they like.Third,they learn to deal with daily life problems by helping their parents or others.Earning pocket money is helpful for children especially 7._when_ they grow up.That is why parents encourage their kids to earn pocket money.It may be 8._a_ useful experience for them.Earning pocket money is much 9._more_helpful_(helpful) than other ways for these 10._children_(child)第三部分:拓展训练题一、完形填空At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never 29 , but always got near perfect scores on all my tests. I was a child genius(天才), at least in my mind. I was also 30 music and sports. I was pretty sure that once I got to seventh grade, everyone including my teachers would be 31 by me. But actually, they werent. When I arrived at my new class, it seemed that there was always someone else who could do 32 than I. My grades got worse and I needed to actually be studying for my tests. I believed I wasnt smart. I believed I wasnt talented. I believed I 33 . Over the next two years, I had to work
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