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课 题课 时Period 4来源:Zxxk.Com来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K来源:学科网ZXXK教学目标语言技能听:能听懂有关现在完成时的简短对话,并了解别人的经历和现在完成时;说:1.能用现在完成时询问他人过去的经历,如How long have you been in China? 2.能用现在完成时谈论自己过去的经历,如I have been in China for twwo years.语言知识语音:熟练把握邀请句的升调语调,同时,在口语交流时能做到语音、语调准确、自然、流畅。句型:1.熟练运用:How long have you.?2.掌握:How did you get it? Did someone give it to you?功能:学会询问、陈述自己或他人的困难和麻烦。话题:了解人际交往的相关知识。情感态度1.通过谈论自己拥有的物品及捐赠物品给需要的人,培养学生的爱心。2.通过谈论家乡的变化,激发学生的爱国爱乡之情。学习策略认知策略:通过相互问答,加强对身边的人和物认知和了解。交际策略:通过个人活动,同伴问答,小组讨论等活动抓住英语交际的机会,与人交流;资源策略:通过与人讨论个人过去经历了解周围其他地方的相关知识,进一步了解家乡和祖国。文化意识了解国外的捐赠活动。教学重难点教学重点1. 能用现在完成时谈论童年时最喜欢的事情。2. 写作。教学难点熟练运用带有for和since的现在完成时态句型。教学方法听说法,交际法,教学辅助手段PPT, recorder.板书设计Unit10 Ive had this bike for three years.Section B 3a-Selfcheckconsiderholdclose toHow long have you.?How did you get it?Did someone give it to you?教后反思Teaching ProcedureStages/TimingStep 1. Warming-upStep 2. PresentationStep3SelfcheckStep 4WritingStep 5Homework:Teachers activitiesT:I am very happy because I got a birthday gift from my friend yesterday,did you get any gifts from your friends on your birthday?The teacher asks more questions:Who gave it to you?Did you like it?Why do you like it so much? T:Did you have anything special?Why is it special?How long have you had it?1. Complete the sentences using for or since.2. Complete the conversation.3b. Get them to write three paragraphs about their favoritethings.1.复习,准备单元测试。2.完成作业本。Students activities Yes,we did.Ss give their answers.S1:I have got it for five years.S2:I have got it since I was ten years old.1.I havent been to a museum _2.I havent written a letter _.3.I havent ridden a bike _A: Hey Eric, _ you enjoyed your time in Beijing so far?B: Yes, it _been great! Everyone is so friendly.A: How long _ you been in China now?B: Oh, I _ here _ about two years now.1.My favorite thing from childhood is _. Ive had it for/since _ . _ gave it to me.2.I like _ so much because_ . Its special to me because . I think_.3._ has given me many memories. I remember when _ .
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