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一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 1 Module9 质量检测质量检测 一、词汇 A)根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺的单词。 1Dont p_ flowers in the garden. 2Miss Lane n_ a boy in black. He looked unhappy. 3We cant live w_ water. 4Dont make much noise. The baby is a_. 5The naughty boy d _ the chair badly. 6Tom failed the exam. He d_ to study harder from now on. 7Sam woke up at seven forty this morning. He jumped out of bed and h _ out of the house. 8China e_ _ WTO in 2001. 9Once u_ a time there lived a king. 10In Harry Potter, the magical rod (魔法棒)can c_ all the objects into the things you want. B)写出下列动词的过去式。 1lose _ 2notice _ 3count _ 4do _ 5be _ 6walk _ 7pick _ 8live _ 9decide _ 10finish _ 11enter _ 12hurry _ 13knock _ 14push _ 15look _ 16play _ 17stop _ 18try _ C)用所给词的适当形式填空。 1They _ (study)together yesterday. 2We decide _ (go)skating next week. 3There are twelve _ (month)in a year. 4They _ (plan)their holiday just now. 5I _ (stay)at home ten minutes ago. 6He _ (open)his eyes and smiled. 7They are _ (go)to Japan next Monday. 8The little girl wanted _ (have)two more apples. 9She _ (like)playing basketball but she doesnt _ (like)playing football. 10Did you enjoy _ (lie)on the beach? 11.Did you _(ride) a bicycle to school yesterday? 12.The heavy rain _(destroy) their houses last week. 13.I _(try) to open the door but Icouldnt. 14.The boy _(push) the door and walked into the room. 15.There are three _(bear) in the zoo. 16.Who runs _(fast) in your class? 17.Lets _(jump) into the water and have a swim. 18.He is _(happy) than before. 19.When will you _(return) the book to the library? 20.The little boy _(cry) when he saw the tiger. 二、选择填空 1_ you _ to the park last week? AWere, go BDid, go CWere, went DDid, went 2 Did you have a good time? 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 2 _. AYes, I am. BYes, I was. CYes, I did. DYes, we are. 3Mike _ his homework yesterday. Adidnt do Bwasnt do Cdidnt Ddidnt did 4The mother was very worried because her daughter _. Alose Blost Cis lost Dwas lost 5Betty saw a wallet on her way to school. She _ and then waited for its owner. Apicked Bpicked up it Cpicked them Dpicked it up 6He _ his hometown after graduated from Qinghua University. Acame back Bwent back Creturned Dreturned to 7Mary entered _ the house quietly. Ato Bat C/ Din 8 Do you know the boy _ Tony? Sorry, I dont. Acall Bcalling Ccalls Dcalled 9Dont point _ others. Its not polite. Aat Bin Con Dfor 10My mother always _ me fairy tales when I was a child. Aspoke Bsaid Ctalked Dtold 11Lingling knocked _ the door, _ nobody answered. Aon, and Bon, but Cat, and Dto, but 12There _ no one there so she entered the room. Ais Bare Cwas Dwere 13He finished _ the book and returned it to the library. Aread Bto read Creading Dreads 14John played _ soccer and Kate played _ piano. Athe, the Bthe, / C/,/ D/,the 15How _ your journey? Adid Bwas Cwere Dare 16.The house was so dirty. They decided _.A.to clean it up B. clean it up C. clean up it D. cleaning it up 17.Last weekend, Tom _ for a walk with his father. A. go B. goes C. is going D. went 18.-What did you have for lunch?-I had a _ of noodles. A. bowl B. metre C. pond D. kitchen 19. Its difficult_ a house like that, so they wanted a best engineer. A. to build B. building C. to have D. having 20.Why dont you _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself? A. ask; write B.ask; writing C.to ask; writing D. asking; write 21.Dont point _ others with your finger while you are talking. A. of B. at C. on D. for 22.I told my mopther I wasnt worried about my exam. But in fact I _.A. was B. did C. had D. have 23.-Do you know anything about Michael Jackson? -Yes, he was born in 1958 and _ in 2009. A. was dying B. die C. died D. dies 24. _ did you stay in your hometown? For two weeks. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times 25.Linda decides _ to the party this Saturday. A. not go B. not going C. wont go D. not to go 26.-Are you _? -Yes, I want to have a rest. A. angry B. hungry C. thirsty D. tired 27. My brother is going to Sanya._.Two years ago I went there and had a great time. A. Youll like it B. Hell like it C. He needed to go there D. Itll be a bad trip. 28. Last year a new_ opened in the city and many interesting movies were on in it. A. company B. store C. movie theater D. TV station 29. July is the_ month of the year. A. fourth B. ninth C. eighth D. Seventh 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 3 30. Mary_ her homework, but Mike did. A. didnt do B. doesnt do C. will do D. is
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