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编号:_本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载技术出口合同 甲 方:_乙 方:_日 期:_说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。政府示范文本要点国外购买方与国内销售方签订的专利、专业技术等技术转让合约。其附12个附件。Contract for Equipment Sales and TechnologyLicensingCon tract No. This Con tract (here in after referred to as th e “ Con tract ” ) is made and en tered into asof(the date of sig nature ) in(the place of sig nature) through frien dlyn egotiati on by and betwee n, a compa ny in corporated and exist ing un derthe laws ofwith its registered address at, and with itsprin cipal place of bus in ess at(here in after referred to as the“ Buyer ” ),and, a compa ny in corporated and existi ng un der the laws of thePeoples Republic of China with its registered address at, and with itsprin cipal place of bus in ess at(here in after referred to as the“ Seller ” ).Whereas, the Buyer desires to en gage the Seller to provide the Equipme nt, related desig n,Tech ni cal Docume ntatio n, Tech ni cal Service and Tech ni cal Training and to obta in fromthe Seller a lice nse of Pate nt an d/or Kno w-how in relati on to the Erect ion, Test Run,Commissi oning, Performa nee Test,operati on and maintenance for the Equipme nt, as wellas manu facture of the Con tract Products. Now it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:Article 1Defin itio ns1.1 “ Acceptanee ” mecthe Buyer accepted the Equipment in accordanee with Article11.5.1.2 “ Commissioning ” means the operation of the Equipment in accordanee with Article11.4 for the purpose of carry ing out Performa nee Test.1.3 “ Con tract ” means this Con tract sig ned by and betwee n the Buyer and the Seller,in cludi ng Appe ndices attached which shall form an in tegral part of this Con tract.1.4 “ Contract Products ” refers to all types of the products manu factured with Pate nt an d/orKno w-how un der the Con tract, details of which are specified in Appe ndix 1.1.5 “ Destination Airport ” refers to Airport.1.6 “ Effective Date of the Con tract” means the date whe n the Con tract en ters into forceupon fulfillme nt of all the con diti ons stated in Article “ Equipment ” means thequipment, machinery, instruments, spare parts and materials supplied by the Seller as listed in Appe ndix 3.1.8 “ Erection ”means placing the Equipment to the positions according to the design draw in gs, and connecting it with releva nt equipme nt and utilities.1.9 “ Improvement ” refers to new findings and/or modifications made in the validity period of the Con tract by either party on Pate nt an d/or Kno w-how in the form of new desig ns, formulas, recipes, in gredie nts, in dices, parameters, calculati ons, or any other in dicators.1.10 “Job Site ” means the site where the Equipment shall be located and/or erected,n amely.1.11 “ Kno-how” refers to any valuable tech ni cal kno wledge, data, in dices, draw in gs, desig ns and other tech ni cal in formati on, concerning the Erection, Test Run,Commissioning, Performanee Test , operation and maintenance for the Equipment as well as manufacture of the Con tract Products, developed and owned or legally acquired and possessed by the Seller and disclosed to the Buyer by the Seller, which is unknown to either public or the Buyer before the Date of Effective ness of this Con tract, and for which appropriate protectio n measures have bee n take n by the Seller for keep ing Kno w-how in secrecy. The specific descriptio n of Kno w-how is set forth in Appe ndix 3.1.12 “ Last Shipme nt ” means the shipme nt with which the accumulated in voice value ofshipped goods has reached() perce nt of the total Equipme nt price.1.13 “Pate nt ” refers to any and all of the effective pate nt rights poss essed by the Seller and lice nsed to the Buyer un der the Con tract in connection with the Erecti on, Test Run, Commissi oning, Performa nee Test,operati on and maintenance for the Equipme nt, as wellas manufacture of the Con tract Products, the No. and list of which are set forth inAppe ndix 3.1.14 “ Performanee Test ” means the tests for examining whether the Equipment is able to meet guara ntee figures specified in Appe ndix 1.1.15 “ Tech ni cal Docume ntati on” means the tech ni cal in dices and data, specificati ons,draw in gs, processes, tech ni cal and quality sta ndards, and other docume nts carry ing the descripti ons and expla natio ns of Pate nt, Kno w-how and other tech ni cal in formati on, inconn ecti on with the Erect ion, Test Run, Commissi oning, Performa nee Test, operati on andmaintenance for the Equipme nt, as well as manu facture of the Con tract P
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